About Bulgarian Consonants Chart
Want to know what are the consonants in Bulgarian language? In articulatory phonetics, a Bulgarian consonant is a speech sound that’s articulated having full or simply partial closure of the vocal tract. The word consonant is additionally employed to talk about a letter of a Bulgarian alphabet which implies a consonant sound. Learn More
Bulgarian Consonants Chart
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Bulgarian Consonants in Alphabet
Voiced consonants at the end of a word are pronounced as voiceless. | |
like in boy or rubbish, on the end of a word pronounced "p" | б bə |
like in ever or vineyard, on the end of a word pronounced "f" | в və |
like in gull or legacy, on the end of a word pronounced "k" | г gə |
like in deal or madness, on the end of a word pronounced "t" | д də |
like in pleasure or conclusion, on the end of a word pronounced "sh" | ж zhə |
like in zoo or freezing, on the end of a word pronounced "s" | з zə |
like in kite or rock | к kə |
like in leak or look. Becoming (younger generations in some areas) closer to weak "w" as in saw (cf. Polish ł). | л lə |
like in mine or ham | м mə |
like in note or monkey | н nə |
like in pork or comply | п pə |
slightly to moderately rolled "r" as in Spanish, etc. Like in Spanish pero or otro | р rə |
like in spit or cast | с sə |
like in time or lightning [ at times becoming palatal with 'ти' and 'тя' ] | т tə |
like in feed or left | ф fə |
like in hotel or coherent [ usually aspirated similar to 'ck' in "lick"] | х hə |
like in tsunami | ц tsə |
like in cheap or kitchen | ч chə |
like in sheep or mishap | ш shə |
Sht, as in German "Still" or "Stettin" NOT shch like in Russian. | щ shtə |
not a sound itself, denotes softening (palatization) of preceding consonant; unlike Russian and other Slavic languages, this is very rarely used and the softening is less dramatic in Bulgarian than in other Slavic languages; | ь ['] |
like in join or edge. Mainly used for foreign loan words. | дж dzhə |
Bulgarian Diphthongs in Alphabet
In the middle or end of words, they are я-ia, йе-ie, йо/ьo-io and ю-iu | NOTE |
like in yacht or German Ja (when stressed); Sounds like 'yuh' when unstressed. | я yah |
like in yes or yellow | йе yeh |
like in yogurt or coyote. The latter is usually stressed | йо/ьo yoh |
like in you or cute | ю yoo |
Note that 'ю' and 'я' denote diphthongs [yoo] and [yah] after a vowel and at the beginning of a word, and tend to be pronounced 'ia' or 'io' in the middle or end of the word. | |
The soft sign will not be included here as it is very rarely used since 1945. | |
Click on the hyperlinks below to view a number of beneficial Bulgarian holiday words that are arranged by group. For each travel phrase in Bulgarian, you will find the English translation.
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