How do we say the Days of the week in Croatian language
While you are visiting in Croatia and a person actually asks you in Croatian “what day is it today?” you will need to recognize how to tell the days of the week in Croatian quickly. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You will need to write the time in Croatian maybe. Make use of our day time phrases in Croatian below to find out the full week days in Croatian. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Croatian
now | sada (SAH-dah) | |
today | danas (DAH-nahs) | |
tonight | večeras (veh-CHEH-rahs) | |
yesterday | jučer (YOO-chehr) | |
tomorrow | sutra (SOO-trah) | |
this week | ovaj tjedan (OH-vayh TYEH-dahn) | |
last week | prošli tjedan (PROH-shlee TYEH-dahn) | |
next week | sljedeći tjedan (SLYEH-deh-chee TYEH-dahn) | |
Monday | ponedjeljak (poh-NEH-dyeh-lyahk) | |
Tuesday | utorak (OO-toh-rahk) | |
Wednesday | srijeda (SRYEH-dah) | |
Thursday | četvrtak (CHEH-tvrtahk) | |
Friday | petak (PEH-tahk) | |
Saturday | subota (SOO-botah) | |
Sunday | nedjelja (NEH-dyeh-lyah) | |
Months in Croatian Language
January | siječanj (see-YEH-chany) | |
February | veljača (VEH-lyah-chah) | |
March | ožujak (OH-zhoo-yahk) | |
April | travanj (TRAH-vahny) | |
May | svibanj (SVEE-bahny) | |
June | lipanj (LEE-pahny) | |
July | srpanj (SR-pahny) | |
August | kolovoz (KOH-loh-vohz) | |
September | rujan (ROO-yahn) | |
October | listopad (LEE-stoh-pahd) | |
November | studeni (STOO-deh-nee) | |
December | prosinac (PROH-see-nats) | |
Sometimes Croatians informally refer to the month as the first, second, third, etc, rather than its actual name. | | |
1st | prvi (PER-vee) | |
2nd | drugi (DROO-gee) | |
3rd | treći (TREH-chee) | |
4th | četvrti (CHET-vhr-tee) | |
5th | peti (PEHT-ee) | |
6th | šesti (SHEH-stee) | |
7th | sedmi (SED-mee) | |
8th | osmi (OS-mee) | |
9th | deveti (DEH-veh-tee) | |
10th | deseti (DEH-set-ee) | |
11th | jedanaesti (yeh-DAHN-ae-stee) | |
12th | dvanaesti (DVAH-nae-stee) | |
Click on the links directly below to find out a number of helpful Croatian travel key phrases which you’ll find structured by category. For every holiday word or phrase in Croatian, you will see the actual English translation.
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