Common Signs in Croatian Language
Thinking to travel to a Croatian speaking area? Have you wondered if you will definitely get to understand the streets signs and symptoms in Croatian or perhaps the normal signs within an airport of your holiday? Learn More
Our normal signs when it comes to Croatian details renowned signs in public areas and general road signs in Croatia. It’s important to learn these signs prior to visiting a Croatian speaking region, because it can guide you whenever driving a vehicle or walking, help you in a serious event situation, or perhaps help make a person’s life simpler when ever touring Croatia or any other nation where people talk the Croatian language.
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List of Common Signs in Croatian Language
OPEN | Otvoreno (OHT-voh-reh-noh) | |
CLOSED | Zatvoreno (ZAHT-voh-reh-noh) | |
ENTRANCE | Ulaz (OO-lahz) | |
EXIT | Izlaz (EEZ-lahz) | |
PUSH | Gurati (GOO-rah-tee) | |
PULL | Povući (poh-VOO-chee) | |
TOILETS | nužnik | |
MEN | Muški (MOO-shkee) | |
WOMEN | Ženski (ZHEN-skee) | |
FORBIDDEN | Zabranjen (ZAH-bra-nyen) | |
Click on the hyperlinks below to find a list of beneficial Croatian travel phrases that are structured by category. For every travel phrase in Croatian, you will find the English translation.
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