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When you are in Denmark or perhaps a Danish speaking place, have you ever wondered how to tell the actual time in Danish? Telling the time in Danish is all about knowing the Danish numbers and certain rules with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds in Danish. Learn More

In this particular web page, you’ll learn quickly how to reveal to the time when it comes to Danish while using the following terms regarding:
Danish Language Words

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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Danish Language

now nu (noo)
later senere (senere)
before før (furr)
morning morgen (morEN)
late morning formiddag (formidhai)
afternooneftermiddag (eftuhmidhai)
evening aften (afDEN)
night nat (nad)

Would like to know the way to say five o’clock in Danish? Make use of the terms underneath to assist you to tell the existing time on the actual clock in Danish.
one o'clock AM klokken 1 (klogen et)
two o'clock AM klokken 2 (klogen to)
noon middag (midhai)
one o'clock PM klokken 13 (klogen tredn)
two o'clock PM klokken 14 (klogen fyordn)
midnight midnat (midhnad)

Utilize the simple Danish phrases to understand the time period for instance a Year, Week and a Month when it comes to Danish language.
_____ minute(s) _____ minut(ter) (minood / minooduh)
_____ hour(s) _____ time(r) (teeme / teemuh)
_____ day(s) _____ dag(e) (die / dire)
_____ week(s) _____ uge(r) (oy-yeh)
_____ month(s) _____ måned(er) (muhnedh[uh])
_____ year's) _____ år (uhr)

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to see a list of beneficial Danish travel words and phrases which you’ll find sorted by group. For each travel word or phrase in Danish, you will find the English interpretation.

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