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How do we say the Days of the week in Danish language

If you are visiting in Denmark and people actually asks you in Danish “what day is it today?” you will need to learn how to give the days of the 7 days in Danish simply. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You ought to write the time in Danish perhaps. Use our day sentences in Danish beneath to tell the week days in Danish. Learn More

Danish Language Words

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Telling the Days of The Week in Danish

today i dag (ee dai)
yesterday i går (ee gur)
tomorrow i morgen (ee morgen)
this week denne uge (denne ooye)
last week sidste uge (siste)
next week næste uge (neste)
Monday mandag (manay)
Tuesday tirsdag (tirsdai)
Wednesday onsdag (onsdai)
Thursday torsdag (torsdai)
Friday fredag (fredhai)
Saturday lørdag (lure'ai)
Sunday søndag (surnai)

Months in Danish Language

January januar (janooar)
February februar (febrooar)
March marts (mards)
April april (abril)
May maj (mai)
June juni (yoonee)
July juli (yoolee)
August august (owyoosd)
September september (sebtember)
October oktober (ogtober)
November november (november)
December december (december)

Select the hyperlinks below to check out a list of practical Danish travel keyword phrases which are organized by group. For every travel word or phrase in Danish, you will find the actual English interpretation.

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