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About Getting Directions in Dhivehi Language

Whilst venturing in Maldives or any area in which many people converse in Dhivehi, do you know the best way to your desired destination? Exploring in Dhivehi-speaking cities could be fantastic as well as amazing. Learn More

Having said that, it is good to learn easy methods to ask directions in Dhivehi and also to really know what you’re told. Dhivehi Phrases For Direction
Dhivehi Language Words

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This valuable Dhivehi vocab below will help you have an understanding of directions in Dhivehi.

Useful Phrases For Getting Directions in Dhivehi

How do I get to _____ ?kehene aharen _____ ah dhanee? (...)
...downtown?...rashuthere ah? (...)
...the youth hostel?...zuvaanunge marukazah? (...)
...the _____ hotel?...the _____ hotel? (...)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate? (...)
Where are there a lot of ______?konthaaku emme gina _______ hunnany? (...)
...hotels?...hotaa? (...)
...restaurants?...restaurants? (...)
...bars?...bars? (...)
...sites to see?...balaane thanthan? (...)
Can you show me on the map?mi chaatun aharen dhakaba? (...)
Turn left.vaathah eburey
Turn right.kanaathah eburey
straight aheadkuri ah
towards the _____dhimaal ah _____ (...)
past the _____ethan dhukoha fa _____ (...)
before the _____kuri mathin _____ (...)
Watch for the _____.ethanah balamun
intersectionintersection (...
northUthuru (...)
southDhekunu (...)
eastirumathi (...)
westhulhangu (...)
uphilluphill (...)
downhilldownhill (...)

Click on the hyperlinks below to find a list of practical Dhivehi holiday phrases which you’ll find sorted by category. For every holiday word or phrase in Dhivehi, you will notice the actual English interpretation.

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