Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Estonian Language
Would like to book a hotel room in Estonia? How do you say, I wish to make a reservation for an accommodation in Estonian? Handy Estonian terminology with respect to booking a room in lodges or wanting to ask for a room with a veranda. Learn More
Utilizing the Estonian accommodation similar phrases shown below, you’ll get to ask your questions in Estonian. Examples of these inquiries include things like: “how many nights you are reserving for?” or “how much will it cost to reserve a room?” Subsequently, it will be easier to recognise the actual replies in Estonian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Kas teil on vabu kohti? (kahs tayl ohn VAH-buh KOH-tih?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Kui palju maksab tuba ühele/kahele inimesele? (kuy PAH-lyuh MAHK-sahb TUH-bah EW-heh-leh/KAH-heh-leh IH-nih-meh-seh-leh?) |
Does the room come with... | Kas toa juurde kuulub/kuuluvad... (kahs twah YOOHR-deh KOOH-loob/KOOH-loo-vahd) |
...bedsheets? | ...voodilinad? (VOHH-dih-lih-nahd?) |
...a bathroom? | ...vannituba? (VAHN-nih-too-bah?) |
...a telephone? | ...telefon? (TEH-leh-fohn?) |
...a TV? | ...televiisor? (TEH-leh-vee-sohrr?) |
May I see the room first? | Kas ma tohin seda vaadata enne? (kahs mah TOH-heen SEH-dah VAAH-dah-tah EHN-neh?) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Kas teil on mõni vaiksem? (kahs tail ohn MER-nee VAYK-sehm?) |
...bigger? | ...suurem? (SOO-rehm?) |
...cleaner? | ...puhtam? (POO-tahm?) |
...cheaper? | ...odavam? (OH-dah-vahm?) |
OK, I'll take it. | Olgu, ma võtan selle. (OHL-goo, mah VEHRR-tahn SEHL-leh) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Ma jään _____ ööks. (errks) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Kas te saate soovitada mõnda teist hotelli? (kahs teh SAAH-teh SAW-vee-tah-dah MUHN-dah tayst HOH-tehl-lee?) |
Do you have a safe? | Kas teil on seif? (kahs tayl ohn sayf) |
...lockers? | ...kapp? (kahpp) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Kas hommikueine/õhtueine kuuluvad selle juurde? (kahs HOHM-mee-kweh-ee-neh/EWW-tweh-ee-neh KEWW-loo-vahd YEWWR-deh?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Mis kell on hommikueine/õhtueine? (mihs kehll ohn HOHM-mih-kweh-ee-neh/IH-tweh-ee-neh) |
Please clean my room. | Palun, koristage mu tuba. (PAH-loon, KOH-rihs-tah-geh moo TOO-bah) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Kas te ärataksite mind kell _____? (kahs teh A-rah-tahk-sih-teh mihnd kehll_____?) |
I want to check out. | Ma soovin ennast välja registreerida. (mah SOHH-vihn EHN-nahst VA-lyah REH-gihs-trehh-rih-dah) |
Select the hyperlinks below to see a list of helpful Estonian holiday phrases which you’ll find structured by category. For every holiday phrase in Estonian, you will see the English translation.
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