About Filipino Consonants Chart
Want to know what are the consonants in Filipino language? In articulatory phonetics, a Filipino consonant is known as a speech sound that is articulated having full or partial closure in the vocal region. The word consonant can also be used to talk about a letter of a Filipino alphabet which signifies a consonant sound. Learn More
Filipino Consonants Chart
 Learn Filipino Language Online | ) |
Filipino Consonants in Alphabet
These are pronounced as in English. | |
like 'b' in "bed" | b |
like 'k' in "kid" | k |
like 'd' in "dog" | d |
like 'g' in "go" | g |
like 'h' in "help" (this letter must be pronounced in Filipino even if it is often silent in some English dialects) | h |
like 'l' in "love" | l |
like 'm' in "mother" | m |
like 'n' in "nice" | n |
like 'ng' in "fang", but pronounced 'nang' as a stand-alone word (though most English-speakers might classify is as two letters, it is considered as a single letter in Filipino as well as in other Asian languages) | ng |
like 'p' in "pig" | p |
like 'r' in "row", like 'r' in "feather" (this letter must be pronounced in Filipino even if it is often silent in some English dialects) | r |
like 's' in "sun", like 'z' in "haze" | s |
like 't' in "top" | t |
like 'w' in "weight" | w |
like 'y' in "yes", like 'ie' in "pie", like 'ee' in "flee" | y |
Therse are pronounced differently from English. | |
like 's' in "supper", 'k' in "kid" | c |
like 'f' in "fine" | f |
like 'dg' in "edge", 'h' in "ham" | j |
like 'ny' in "canyon" | ñ |
like 'q' in "quest" (almost always with 'u') | q |
like 'v' in "victory" | v |
like 'cks' in "kicks", like 'z' in "haze" (at beginning of a word) | x |
like 'z' in "haze" | z |
Filipino Diphthongs in Alphabet
| |
like 'i' in "high": tatay, father | ay |
like 'ow' in "cow": kalabaw, carabao/water buffalo | aw |
like 'ay' in "say": reyna, queen | ey |
like "eew": baliw, crazy | iw |
like 'oy' in "boy": apoy, fire | oy |
Click on the hyperlinks directly below to find a number of helpful Filipino holiday words and phrases which you’ll find structured by theme. For every holiday phrase in Filipino, there’ll be the actual English translation.
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