Alphabet in Georgian Language
Understanding the Georgian alphabet is important in mastering the Georgian Language. Georgian alphabet structure is applied in a day-to-day conversation. Without the Georgian alphabet, it is impossible to speak the Georgian words and phrases properly even if anyone learn how to write those key phrases in Georgian. Learn More
As with any language, the better you pronounce a letter in a word, the easier understood you will be in conversing in the Georgian language. Here are some web links that guides you to the Georgian alphabet and exactly how it really is pronounced in English.
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Vowels in Georgian Alphabet
If you are familiar with Spanish, Georgian vowel sounds are very similar. | | | | | |
ა ah | like car | | | | |
ე eh | like pet | | | | |
ი ee | like knee | | | | |
ო oh | like doh! | | | | |
უ oo | like boot | | | | |
Consonants in Georgian Alphabet
ბ b | like bat | | | | |
გ g | like go | | | | |
დ d | like dog | | | | |
ვ v/w | in between v as in very and w as in weary | | | | |
ზ z | like zoo | | | | |
თ t | like tip | | | | |
კ k' | see Tricky consonants | | | | |
ლ l | like love | | | | |
მ m | like mint | | | | |
ნ n | like nose | | | | |
პ p' | see Tricky consonants | | | | |
ჟ zh | like pleasure | | | | |
რ r | rolled as in Spanish roja | | | | |
ს s | like sad | | | | |
ტ t' | see Tricky consonants | | | | |
ფ p | like poof | | | | |
ქ k | like kick | | | | |
ღ gh | pronounced similar to a French r as in bonjour; alternatively, like a voiced kh | | | | |
ყ q' | see Tricky consonants | | | | |
შ sh | like shoot | | | | |
ჩ ch | like chimp | | | | |
ც ts | like hot sauce | | | | |
ძ dz | foods | | | | |
წ ts' | see Tricky consonants | | | | |
ჭ ch' | see Tricky consonants | | | | |
ხ kh | pronounced like Scottish loch or German Bach | | | | |
ჯ j | like jump | | | | |
ჰ h | like hot | | | | |
Georgian distinguishes between aspirated and non-aspirated (ejective) consonants. An aspirated consonant is accompanied by a puff of air when you say it. In Georgian, there is even more of a | | | | | |
puff of air for aspirated consonants than you would hear in English. | | | | | |
A non-aspirated consonant in Georgian, however, actually contains no puff of air whatsoever. Georgians close the back of their throat, similar to what you do before you cough or the closed throat | | | | | |
moment between uh and oh in "uh-oh." They then pronounce the non-aspirated consonants without any exhalation at all. Don't worry if you have trouble producing this type of sound, though, | | | | | |
in context you will be understood! Non-aspirated consonants are marked above with an apostrophe. | | | | | |
Georgian Aspirated & Non-Aspirated Consonants | | | | | |
English approximation t p k ch ts | t | p | k | ch | ts |
Aspirated consonant | თ | ფ | ქ | ჩ | ც |
Non-aspirated consonant | ტ | პ | კ | ჭ | წ |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Georgian Alphabet
Diphthongs do not exist in Georgian—every vowel is given equal weight and every syllable has only one vowel. | | | | | |
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