A complex speech sound or glide which begins with just one Georgian vowel and eventually develops to a new Georgian vowel while in the exact same syllable, just as (oi) in boil or (i) in fine. A diphthong when it comes to Georgian language (virtually indicates “two sounds” or “two tones”), also referred to as a gliding vowel. Georgian diphthong is referred to as two adjacent vowel sounds taking place within the same syllable.
Really, a Georgian diphthong is definitely a vowel with two different targets – which is, your tongue moves throughout the pronunciation of the vowel. Learn More
Diphthongs in Georgian language contrast with monophthongs, while the tongue does not move basically one vowel sound is going to be heard in a syllable. Wherever two adjacent vowel sounds appear in different syllables-for example, in the English term re-elect the outcome is referred to as break, not as a diphthong.
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Diphthongs in Georgian Language frequently form the moment separate Georgian vowels are actually operated jointly with regard to rapid dialog during a interaction when it comes to Georgian Language.
Georgian Diphthongs
Diphthongs do not exist in Georgian—every vowel is given equal weight and every syllable has only one vowel. | | | | | |
Select the hyperlinks directly below to find a number of helpful Georgian holiday words and phrases which are sorted by group. For each holiday phrase in Georgian, you will notice the English translation.
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