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About the Colours in Irish

If you are planning to go on a shopping spree in Ireland or a Irish speaking nation, remember to study the colours in Irish language. Names of colors in Irish will come in very useful when you’re seeking for a bit more options in a lot of items your are planning to order. Learn More

Starting from this web content, you can certainly know how to reveal the names of numerous colors in Irish. We trust by reading and understanding the Irish color chart down below, you’ll be able to determine many of the major colors in Irish.
Irish Language Words

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Irish Colours List

blackdubh (duv)
whitebán (bawn)
grayliath (LEE-ath)
reddearg (dahrg)
pinkbándearg (bawn dahrg)
bluegorm (gurm)
yellowbuí (buee)
greenglas (gloss)
orangeoráiste (urr-AW-ish-tah)
browndonn (done)

Select the hyperlinks directly below to check out a number of helpful Irish travel words which are sorted by group. For every holiday word or phrase in Irish, you will see the English translation.

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