How do we say the Days of the week in Irish language
While you are on a journey in Ireland and a person asks you in Irish “what day is it today?” you have got to know how to communicate the days of the 7 days in Irish quickly and easily. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You will need to write the time in Irish perhaps. Make use of our day phrases in Irish under to find out the full week days in Irish. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Irish
today | inniu (inn-yew) |
yesterday | inné (inn-yay) |
tomorrow | amárach (am-AW-rok) |
this week | an tseachtain seo (on chokt-inn shuh) |
last week | an tseachtain seo caite (on chokt-inn shuh cotch-ah) |
next week | an tseachtain seo chugainn (on chokt-inn shuh koo-inn) |
Sunday | Domhnach (DOW-nok) |
Monday | Luain (Loo-inn) |
Tuesday | Máirt (MAWrt) |
Wednesday | Céadaoin (KAY-deen) |
Thursday | Déardaoin (dare-deen) |
Friday | Aoine (EE-nah) |
Saturday | Satharn (SAH-harn) |
Months in Irish Language
In Ireland, spring starts on the 1st of February. | |
January | Eanair (ann-arr) |
February | Feabhra (fyow-rah) |
March | Márta (mawr-tah) |
April | Aibreán (ab-rawn) |
May | Bealtainne (byowl-tin-neh) |
June | Meitheamh (meh-hiv) |
July | Iúil (oo-ill) |
August | Lúnasa (loon-assah) |
September | Mean Fomhair (mann foe-arr) |
October | Deireadh Fomhair (derr-ah foe-arr) |
November | Samhain (SOW-inn) |
December | Nollaig (null-igg) |
Select the hyperlinks directly below to view a list of practical Irish travel words and phrases that are organized by theme. For every holiday phrase in Irish, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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