How do we say the Days of the week in Korean language
When you are exploring in Korea and people asks you in Korean “what day is it today?” you will have to know how to communicate the days of the full week in Korean quickly and easily. What if people asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You’ll want to write the time in Korean maybe. Start using our day sentences in Korean under to tell the week days in Korean. Learn More
 Learn Korean Language Online | ) |
Telling the Days of The Week in Korean
today | 오늘 (oneul) |
yesterday | 어제 (eoje) |
tomorrow | 내일 (nae-il) |
this week | 이번 주 (ibeon ju) |
last week | 지난 주 (jinan ju) |
next week | 다음 주 (da-eum ju) |
Sunday | 일요일 (ilyoil) |
Monday | 월요일 (wolyoil) |
Tuesday | 화요일 (hwayoil) |
Wednesday | 수요일 (suyoil) |
Thursday | 목요일 (mogyoil) |
Friday | 금요일 (geumyoil) |
Saturday | 토요일 (toyoil) |
Months in Korean Language
The names of the months in Korean are simply the Sino-Korean numbers 1 through 12 followed by the word 월 (month). | |
January | 1월 (일월) ilwol |
February | 2월 (이월) iwol |
March | 3월 (삼월) samwol |
April | 4월 (사월) sawol |
May | 5월 (오월) owol |
June* | 6월 (유월) yuwol |
July | 7월 (칠월) chilwol |
August | 8월 (팔월) palwol |
September | 9월 (구월) guwol |
October* | 10월 (시월) siwol |
November | 11월 (십일월) sibilwol |
December | 12월 (십이월) sibiwol |
The number component of 6월 and 10월 drop the final consonant for purposes of liaison. | |
Select the links directly below to see a number of helpful Korean holiday words which are structured by theme. For every travel word or phrase in Korean, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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