For anyone who is in Korea or maybe a Korean speaking place, have you ever wondered how you can tell the actual time in Korean? Telling the time in Korean is dependant on understanding the Korean numbers as well as some tips with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds in Korean. Learn More
In this particular website, you’ll find out easily how one can tell the time when it comes to Korean while using following phrases for:
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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Korean Language
Numbers above 100 are always counted with Sino-Korean numbers. | |
now | 지금 (jigeum) |
later | 나중에 (najung-e) |
before | 전에 (jeone) |
after | 후에 (hu-e) |
morning | 아침 (achim) |
afternoon | 오후 (ohu) |
evening | 저녁 (jeonyeok) |
night | 밤 (bam) |
Would like to know the simplest way to say six o’clock in Korean? Utilize the key phrases underneath to guide you tell the latest time on the clock in Korean.
one o'clock AM | 오전 한 시 (ojeon hansi) |
two o'clock AM | 오전 두 시 (ojeon dusi) |
noon | 정오 (jeong-o) |
one o'clock PM | 오후 한 시 (ohu hansi) |
two o'clock PM | 오후 두 시 (ohu dusi) |
midnight | 자정 (jajeong) |
Use the simple Korean sentences to know the time length like a Year, Week and a Calendar month in Korean language.
_____ minute(s) | _____ 분 (___ bun) |
_____ hour(s) | _____ 시간 (___ sigan) |
_____ day(s) | _____ 일 (___ il) |
_____ week(s) | _____ 주 (___ ju) |
_____ month(s) | _____ 달 (___ dal) |
_____ year(s) | _____ 년 (___ nyeon) |
Click on the hyperlinks directly below to check out a list of helpful Korean holiday words which you’ll find sorted by category. For each holiday word or phrase in Korean, there’ll be the actual English translation.
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