In case you are in Latvia or maybe a Latvian speaking state, have you ever wondered the right way to tell the time in Latvian? Telling the actual time in Latvian depends upon comprehending the Latvian numbers as well as some principles regarding the hours, minutes and seconds when it comes to Latvian. Learn More
In this web page, you will learn quickly the right way to tell the time in Latvian while using subsequent sentences regarding:
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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Latvian Language
The 24 hour clock is used in Latvia. | |
What time is it? | Cik ir pulkstenis? (tsihk ihr PUHLKS-teh-nihs) |
What time? | Cikos? (TSIH-kohs) |
When? | Kad? (kahd) |
now | tagad (TAH-gahd) |
later | vēlāk (VAA-lahk) |
second | sekunde (SEH-koon-deh) |
minute | minūte (MIH-noo-teh) |
half an hour | pusstunda (PUHSS-tuhn-duh) |
hour | stunda (STUHN-duh) |
morning | rīts (reet) |
in the morning | no rīta (naw reetah) |
evening | vakars (VUH-kuhrs) |
in the evening | vakarā (VUH-kuh-rah) |
night | nakts (nuhkts) |
Need to learn the simplest way to say six o-clock in Latvian? Make use of the terms directly below that may help you tell the present time on the clock in Latvian.
one o'clock | pulkstens viens (POOLKS-tehns vyehns) |
two o'clock | pulkstens divi (POOLKS-tehns DIH-vih) |
three o'clock | pulkstens trīs (POOLKS-tehns trees) |
four o'clock | pulkstens četri (POOLKS-tehns CHEH-trih) |
five o'clock | pulkstens pieci (POOLKS-tehns PYEH-tsih) |
six o'clock | pulkstens seši (POOLKS-tehns SEH-shih) |
seven o'clock | pulkstens septiņi (POOLKS-tehns SEHP-tih-nyih) |
eight o'clock | pulkstens astoņi (POOLKS-tehns UHS-toh-nyih ) |
nine o'clock | pulkstens deviņi (POOLKS-tehns DEH-vih-nyih) |
ten o'clock | pulkstens desmit (POOLKS-tehns DEHS-miht) |
eleven o'clock | pulkstens vienpadsmit (POOLKS-tehns VYEHN-puhds-miht) |
twelve o'clock | pulkstens divpadsmit (POOLKS-tehns DIHV-puhds-miht) |
quarter to six, 17:45 | bez piecpadsmit minūtēm seši (behz PYEHTS-pahds-miht MIH-noo-tehm SEH-shih) |
quarter past six, 18:15 | piecpadsmit minūtes pāri sešiem |
half past seven, 18:30 | pusseptiņi |
Make use of the simple Latvian phrases to know the time duration for instance a Year, Week and a Four week period when it comes to Latvian language.
_____ minute(s) | _____ minūte(s) (MIH-noo-teh) |
_____ hour(s) | _____ stunda(s) (STOON-dah(s)) |
_____ day(s) | _____ diena(s) (DYEH-nah(s)) |
_____ week(s) | _____ nedēļa(s) (NEH-dehh-lyah(s)) |
_____ month(s) | _____ mēnesis(mēneši) (MEHH-neh-sees(MEHH-neh-shih)) |
_____ year(s) | _____ gads(gadi) (gahds(GAH-dih)) |
Click on the links below to see a number of beneficial Latvian travel key phrases which are sorted by theme. For every holiday phrase in Latvian, there’ll be the English translation.
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