How do we say the Days of the week in Latvian language
When you are exploring in Latvia and a person actually asks you in Latvian “what day is it today?” you need to understand how to advise the days of the 7 days in Latvian simply. What the person asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You ought to write the time in Latvian maybe. Start using our day terms in Latvian beneath to tell the week days in Latvian. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Latvian
today | šodien (SHAW-dyehn) |
yesterday | vakar (VUH-kuhr) |
tomorrow | rīt (reet) |
this week | šo nedēļu (shaw NEH-deh-lyoo) |
last week | pagājuša nedēļu (PUH-gah-yoo-shah NEH-deh-lyoo) |
next week | nākam nedēļu (NAH-kuhm NEH-deh-lyoo) |
Monday | pirmdiena (PIHRM-dyeh-nuh) |
Tuesday | otrdiena (AWTR-dyeh-nuh) |
Wednesday | trešdiena (TREHSH-dyeh-nuh) |
Thursday | ceturtdiena (TSAH-tuhrt-dyeh-nuh) |
Friday | piektdiena (PYEHKT-dyeh-nuh) |
Saturday | sestdiena (SAHST-dyeh-nuh) |
Sunday | svētdiena (SVEHT-dyeh-nuh) |
Months in Latvian Language
January | janvāris (YUHN-vah-rihs) |
February | februāris (FEH-brwah-rihs) |
March | marts (muhrts) |
April | aprīlis (UH-pree-lihs) |
May | maijs (maiys) |
June | jūnijs (YOO-niys) |
July | jūlijs (YOO-liys) |
August | augusts (OW-guhsts) |
September | septembris (SEHP-tehm-brihs) |
October | oktobris (OHK-toh-brihs) |
November | novembris (NOH-vehm-brihs) |
December | decembris (DEHT-sehm-brihs) |
Select the links directly below to find a list of useful Latvian holiday words which are sorted by theme. For every holiday phrase in Latvian, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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