How do we say the Days of the week in Maltese language
While you are visiting in Malta and someone questions you in Maltese “what day is it today?” you have got to have learned to advise the days of the 7 days in Maltese simply. What the person asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You will need to write the time in Maltese perhaps. Take advantage of our day time key phrases in Maltese down below to tell the full week days in Maltese. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Maltese
today | illum (il-LOOM) |
yesterday | ilbieraħ (il-BIH-rah) |
tomorrow | għada (AA-da) |
this week | dil-ġimgħa (dill jim-aa) |
last week | il-ġimgħa l-oħra (ill jim-aa loh-ra) |
next week | il-ġimgħa ddieħla (ill jim-aa id-dih-la) |
Sunday | Il-Ħadd (ill hut) |
Monday | It-Tnejn (it tneyn) |
Tuesday | It-Tlieta (it TLEE-ta) |
Wednesday | L-Erbgħa (LEHR-ba) |
Thursday | Il-Ħamis (ill ham-EES) |
Friday | Il-Ġimgħa (ill jim-aa) |
Saturday | Is-Sibt (iss sibt) |
Sunday | Il-Ħadd ( il ha-rd) |
Months in Maltese Language
January | Jannar (yan-NAR) |
February | Frar (frar) |
March | Marzu (mar-tsoo) |
April | April (aap-REEL) |
May | Mejju (MAY-yoo) |
June | Ġunju (JOON-yoo) |
July | Lulju (LOO-lyu) |
August | Awwissu (aaw-WIS-soo) |
September | Settembru (set-TEM-bru) |
October | Ottubru (ot-TOO-broo) |
November | Novembru (noh-VEM-broo) |
December | Diċembru (dee-CHEM-broo) |
Select the hyperlinks below to see a number of practical Maltese holiday words and phrases which you’ll find sorted by category. For each travel word or phrase in Maltese, you will find the actual English translation.
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