Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Pashto Language
Wish to reserve a hotel room in Afghanistan? How do you say, I need to book an accommodation in Pashto? Handy Pashto terminology with respect to booking a room in resorts or needing to request a room with a deck. Learn More
Using the Pashto accommodation relevant sentences listed here, one can learn how to ask your questions in Pashto. A number of these questions include: “how many days you will be booking for?” or “how much will it cost to reserve a room?” Eventually, you’ll be able to figure out the responses in Pashto.
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Do you have any rooms available? | خالي کوټې لرئ؟ [khaali kottē larəi?] (khaa-LEE koh-tteh la-REI?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | د يو تن/دوو تنو لپاره کوټه په څو ده؟ [da yaw tan/dwo tano lapaara kotta pə tso da?] (da YAW tan / DWO ta-no la-paara koh-TTA pe TSO da?) |
Does the room come with... | دا کوټه ... لري؟ [daa kotta ... lari?] (DAA koh-tta ... la-REE?) |
...bedsheets? | روجايي؟ [rojaayi?] (roh-jaa-YEE) |
...a bathroom? | تشناب؟ [tashnaab?] (tash-NAAB) |
...a telephone? | تېلفون؟ [tēlifun?] (teh-lee-FOON) |
...a TV? | تلويزيون؟ [talwizyun?] (tal-weez-YOON) |
May I see the room first? | اول کوټه کتى شم؟ [awal kotta katay shəm?] (a-WAL koh-TTA ka-TAI shem?) |
Do you have anything quieter? | تر دې ځاى نه زيات کرار ځاى لرئ؟ [tər dē dzaay na zyaat karaar dzaay larəi?] (ter DEH zaay na ZYAAT ka-raar zaay la-REI?) |
...bigger? | نور غټ؟ [nor ghatt?] (NOHR ghatt) |
...cleaner? | نور پاک؟ [nor paak?] (NOHR paak) |
...cheaper? | نور ارزان؟? [nor arzaan?] (NOHR ar-zaan) |
OK, I'll take it. | ښه، هم دا به واخلم [k'ha, ham daa ba waakhləm] (KHA, ham DAA ba waakh-lem) |
I will stay here for _____ night/nights. | زه به دلته _____ شپه/شپې کوم [zə ba dalta _____ shpa/shpē kawum] (ze ba dal-ta _____ shpa / shpeh ka-wum) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | بل هوټل تجويز کوئ شئ؟ [bəl hottəl tajwiz kawəi shəi?] (BEL hoh-ttel taj-weez ka-WEI shei?) |
Do you have a safe? | صندوقچه لرئ؟ [sanduqcha larəi?] (san-dook-CHA la-REI?) |
...lockers? | کولپونه [kwəlpuna] (kool-POO-na) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | ناشته/ډوډۍ هم په کې ده؟ [naashta/ddoddəi ham pə kē da?] (naash-TA / ddoh-DDEI ham pe KEH da?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | ناشته/ډوډۍ څه وخت ده؟ [naashta/ddoddəi tsə wakht da?] (naash-TA / ddoh-DDEI TSE-wakht da?) |
Please clean my room. | لږ مې کوټه پاکه کئ [ləg mē kotta paaka kəi] (leg meh koh-TTA PAA-ka kei) |
Can you wake me at _____? | په _____ بجې مې ويښوئ شئ؟ [pə _____ bajē mē wik'hawəi shəi?] (pe _____ ba-jeh meh wee-kha-WEI shei?) |
I want to leave. | تلل غواړم [tləl ghwaarrəm] (TLEL ghwaa-rrem) |
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