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About Months in Pashto Language

Recognizing the way to tell the months in Pashto is quite practical and commonly be treated as elementary Pashto dialect. We now have displayed the months in Pashto language down below to enable you pronounce the months in Pashto. Learn More

List of the Months in Pashto

Pashto Language Words

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The internationally accepted Gregorian calendar is commonly used by Pashtuns for day-to-day affairs (along with the two Islamic calendars). Below are the names of Gregorian months:
Januaryجنوري [janwari] (jan-wa-REE)
Februaryفبروري [fabruri] (fa-broo-REE)
Marchمارچ [maarch] (MAARCH)
Aprilاپريل [april] (ap-REEL)
Mayمې [mē] (MEH)
Juneجون [jun] (JOON)
Julyجولاى [julaay] (joo-LAAY)
Augustاګست [agast] (a-GAST)
Septemberسيتمبر [sitambər] (see-tam-BER)
Octoberاکتوبر [aktubər] (ak-too-BER)
Novemberنومبر [nawambər] (na-wam-BER)
Decemberديسمبر [disambər] (dee-sam-BER)
Solar Islamic calendarAfghans officially use the solar Jalali calendar according to which all national holidays and administrative issues are fixed. The year of Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina (622 CE) is fixed as the first year in the calendar.
The New Year always falls on the spring equinox (Gregorian March 21 or sometimes March 20). Each of the twelve months corresponds with a zodiac sign. The first six months have 31 days, the next five have 30 days, and the last (kab) has 29 days in usual years but 30 days in leap years. Pashto months are:
Mar20/21 - Apr19/20ورى [wray] (WRAI); lit. "lamb"
Apr20/21 - May20/21غويى [ghwayay] (ghwa-YAI); lit. "bull"
May21/22 - Jun20/21غبرګولى [ghbargolay] (ghbar-GOH-lai); lit. "twin"
Jun21/22 - Jul21/22چنګاښ [changaak'h] (chang-GAAKH); lit. "crab"
Jul22/23 - Aug21/22زمرى [zmaray] (zma-RAI); lit. "lion"
Aug22/23 - Sep21/22وږى [wagay] (wa-GAI); lit. "virgin"
Sep22/23 - Oct21/22تله [təla] (TE-la); lit. "weighing scale"
Oct22/23 - Nov20/21لړم [larram] (la-RRAM); lit. "scorpion"
Nov21/22 - Dec20/21ليندۍ [lindəi] (leen-DEI); lit. "bow"
Dec21/22 - Jan19/20مرغومى [marghumay] (mar-ghoo-MAI); lit. "ibex"
Jan20/21 - Feb18/19سلواغه [salwaagha] (sal-waa-gha); lit. "pail"
Feb19/20 - Mar19/20کب [kab] (KAB); lit. "fish"
Lunar Islamic calendarTo date religious holidays and events, the lunar Hijri calendar is used. Each of the 12 months can have either 29 or 30 days, and a year is 354 or 355 days long (i.e. shorter than a solar year). The lunar months are not linked with the seasons and drift each solar year by about 11 days. Lunar months in Pashto are:
Muharramحسن او حسين [hasan aw hussain] (ha-SAN aw hu-SEHN), or simply: حسن [hasan] (ha-SAN); lit. "Hasan and Hussein (ibn Ali)"
Safarصفره [safara] (sa-PA-ra)
Rabi' al-Awwalلومړۍ خور [lumrrəi khor] (loom-RREI khohr); lit. "first sister"
Rabi' ath-Thaniدوهمه خور [dwahəma khor] (DWA-ma khohr); lit. "second sister"
Jumada al-Awwalدريمه خور [drəyəma khor] (DREH-ma khohr); lit. "third sister"
Jumada ath-Thaniڅلورمه خور [tsalorəma khor] (tsa-loh-RE-ma khohr); lit. "fourth sister"
Rajabخداى مياشت [khwdaay myaasht] (khw-DAAY myaasht); lit. "God's month"
Sha'banبرات [baraat] (ba-RAAT); the month of the holy night of Shab-e Baraat
Ramadanروژه [rozha] (roh-ZHA); lit. "fasting"
Shawwalکمکى اختر [kamkay akhtar] (kam-KAI akh-tar); lit. "lesser Eid"
Dhu al-Qa'daمنځوۍ [mandzawəi] (man-za-WEI); lit. "middle (month)"
Dhu al-Hijjaلوى اختر [loy akhtar] (LOY akh-tar); lit. "greater Eid"

Select the hyperlinks directly below to find a list of practical Pashto holiday phrases that are structured by group. For every travel word or phrase in Pashto, you will find the actual English interpretation.

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