Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Slovenian Language
Need to reserve a hotel room in Slovenia? Find out how to say, I wish to make a reservation for an accommodation in Slovenian? Helpful Slovenian terminology with respect to booking a room in motels or wishing to ask for a bedroom with a veranda. Learn More
Making use of the Slovenian holiday accommodation similar terms here, find out how to pose your questions in Slovenian. Some of these questions include things like: “how many nights you will be reserving for?” and “how much would it cost to book a room?” Ideally, it will be possible to figure out the actual answers in Slovenian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Ali imate prosto sobo? (AH-lee ee-MAH-teh PROHS-toh SOH-boh?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Kakšna je cena enoposteljne/dvoposteljne sobe? (KAHKSH-nah yeh TSEH-nah eh-noh-pohs-teh-LYEH-neh SOH-beh?) |
Does the room come with... | Ali ima soba... (AH-lee EE-mah SOH-bah) |
...bedsheets? | ...rjuhe? (RYOO-heh) |
...a bathroom? | ...kopalnico? (koh-pahl-NEE-tsoh) |
...a telephone? | ...telefon? (teh-LEH-fohn) |
...a TV? | ...televizor? (teh-leh-VEE-zohr) |
May I see the room first? | Si lahko ogledam sobo? (see LAHH-koh oh-GLEH-dahm SOH-boh?) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Imate kakšno mirnejšo sobo? (ee-MAH-teh KAHKSH-noh meer-NAY-shoh SOH-boh?) |
...bigger? | ...večjo? (VEH-chyoh?) |
...cleaner? | ...bolj čisto? (BOH-lee CHEES-toh?) |
...cheaper? | ...cenejšo? (TSEH-nyeh-shoh?) |
OK, I'll take it. | Prav, vzel jo bom. (prow, OO-zew yoh bohm) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Ostal bom _____ noč/noči. (OHS-tow bohm...nohch/NOH-chee) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Mi lahko priporočite drug hotel? (mee LAH-koh pree-poh-roh-CHEE-teh drook HOH-tew?) |
Do you have a safe? | Ali imate sef? (AH-lee ee-MAH-teh sehf) |
...lockers? | ...omarice na ključ? (oh-mah-REE-tseh nah klyooch?) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Ali je zajtrk/kosilo vključen/vključeno? (AH-lee yeh ZAY-turk/KOH-see-loh VKLYOO-chehn/VKLYOO-cheh-noh?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Ob kateri uri je zajtrk/kosilo? (ohb KAH-teh-ree OO-ree yeh ZAY-trehk/KOH-see-loh?) |
Please clean my room. | Prosim, počistite mojo sobo. (PROH-seem, POH-chees-tee-teh MOY-oh SOH-boh) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Me lahko zbudite ob _____? (meh LAH-koh zboo-DEE-teh ohp____?) |
I want to check out. | Rad bi se odjavil. (raht bee seh oh-DYAH-feel) |
rooom with a view | soba z razgledom (SOH-bah zuh RAHZ-gleh-dohm) |
shared room | skupna ležišča (SKOOP-nah LEH-zheesh-chah) |
shared bathroom | skupna kopalnica (SKOOP-nah KOH-pahl-nee-tsah) |
hot water | vroča voda (VROH-chah VOH-dah) |
country tourism | kmečki turizem (KMECH-kee TOO-ree-zehm) |
breakfast | zajtrk (ZAI-tuhrk) |
lunch | kosilo (koh-SEE-loh) |
dinner | večerja (VAH-cheh-ryah) |
snack | prigrizek (pree-GREE-zehk) |
Click on the links directly below to check out a number of helpful Slovenian travel words which are structured by theme. For each travel word or phrase in Slovenian, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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