About Slovenian Consonants Chart
Would like to know do you know the consonants in Slovenian language? In articulatory phonetics, a Slovenian consonant is really a speech sound that’s articulated using total as well as partial closure in the vocal region. The word consonant is also used to talk about a letter of a Slovenian alphabet which represents a consonant sound. Learn More
Slovenian Consonants Chart
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Slovenian Consonants in Alphabet
There are twenty consonants in Slovene. They can be voiced or unvoiced. They are pronounced as they are spelled (refer to the alphabet). | |
B | the 'b' in "best" [end of a word 'p' sound]; "bdenje" (vigil) |
C | the 'ts' in "bets"; "car" (tsar) |
Č | the 'ch' in "chocolate"; "čmrlj" (bumble-bee) |
D | the 'd' in "day" [end of a word 't' sound]; "daljava" (distance) |
Dž | the 'j' in "jeep"; "džumbus" (noise) |
F | the 'f' in "far"; "fižol" (beans) |
G | the 'g' in "go" [end of a word 'k' sound]; galeb (sea-gull) |
H | the 'h' in "heat"; "hajduk" (bandit) |
J | the 'y' in "Yankee"; "Jugoslavija" (Yugoslavia) |
K | the 'k' in "kick"; "kamra" (bedroom in Slovene farm houses) |
L | the 'l' in "left", [but 'w' before another consonant or at the end of a word]; "letališče" (airport) |
Lj | the 'li' in "battalion"; "ljubka" (dapper (female form)) |
M | the 'm' in "mom"; "mah" (moss) |
N | the 'n' in "nothing"; pronounced like a Spanish ñ as in "Señor" after an an i; a common trait among Slavs. ni [nyee]; "nitje" (niti) |
Nj | the 'n' in "news"; "njiva" (field) |
P | the 'p' in "path"; "patos" (ecstazy) |
R | the 'r' in trilled like spanish 'r' in "rico", or 'er' when used as a vowel; "rjutje" (roar) |
S | the 's' in "seven"; "shramba" (closet) |
Š | the 'sh' in "shock"; "ščetka" (brush) |
T | the 't' in "taxi"; "tovariš" (comrade) |
V | the 'v' in "vase" [after a vowel or before a consonant is 'w' sound, by itself is 'oo' sound], "včasih" (sometimes) |
Z | the 'z' in "zero"; "zlato" (gold) |
Ž | the 'su' in "pleasure" or 'ge' in "garage"; "žrtev" (victim) |
The voiced consonants are b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, z, ž. | The unvoiced consonants are c, č, f, h, k, p, s, š, t. |
Slovenian Diphthongs in Alphabet
The Slovene diphthongs are generally considered phonemically as combinations of two phonemes, a vowel and /j/ or a vowel and [w] (often written as [u]. The Slovene phonetic diphthongs are [ew, Ew, aw, Ow, ej, oj, Oj, aj, uj]. The diphthongs [aw] and [aj] can safely be used as equivalents of the English /aU/ and /aI/. | |
| |
aj | Like the word "eye" |
ej | Like 'ay' in "pay" |
oj | Like 'oy' in "toy" |
uj | Like 'wee' in "week" |
ae | Like 'a' in "father" and 'e' in "empty" |
ija | Like 'ia' in "Lydia" |
ije | Like 'ie' in the Spanish word "miedo" |
| |
nje | similar to the Spanish sound 'ñe' in "muñeco" [nyeh] |
lj | as 'lee' in "leek" |
dja | as the 'dia' in "Lydia" [dyah] |
kje | as the quie' in the Spanish word "quiero" [kyeh] |
Select the hyperlinks below to check out a list of useful Slovenian holiday phrases which are structured by category. For each travel word or phrase in Slovenian, you will see the actual English interpretation.
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