Common Signs in Slovenian Language
Planning to visit a Slovenian speaking region? Have you questioned if you’ll have enough knowledge to understand the street warning signs in Slovenian or even the common signs within an airport of your location? Learn More
Our normal signs within Slovenian provides popular signage in public areas and usual street signs and symptoms found in Slovenia. It is essential to get acquainted with these signage before you take a trip to a Slovenian speaking nation, as it can make it easier while getting behind the wheel or walking, assist you in an unexpected emergency situation, or simply help make a person’s life easier when ever seeing Slovenia or any other place wherever they speak the Slovenian language.
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List of Common Signs in Slovenian Language
Open | ODPRTO [ohd-PEHR-toh] |
Closed | ZAPRTO [zah-PEHR-toh] |
Entrance | VHOD [VUH-hoht] |
Exit | IZHOD [IHZ-hoht] |
Push | POTISNI [poh-TEES-nih] |
Pull | VLECI [VLEH-tsih] |
Toilet | STRANIŠČE [strah-NEESH-cheh] |
Men | MOŠKI [MOHSH-kih] |
Women | ŽENSKE [ZHENS-keh] |
Forbidden/ Prohibited | PREPOVEDANO [preh-poh-VEH-dah-noh] |
Select the hyperlinks below to find out a list of practical Slovenian holiday words and phrases which you’ll find sorted by theme. For every holiday word or phrase in Slovenian, you will find the English translation.
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