Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Swedish Language
Need to book a hotel room in Sweden? How would you say, I wish to book an accommodation in Swedish? Important Swedish terms for booking a room in resorts or planning to ask for a room with a veranda. Learn More
While using the Swedish holiday accommodation similar words below, find out how to pose your questions in Swedish. A number of these questions include: “how many nights you’ll be reserving for?” or “how much would it cost to book a room?” Hopefully, you will be able to master the responses in Swedish.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Finns det några rum lediga? (Feens dat noogra room ladiga) |
How much is a room for one person/two/three/four people? | Vad kostar ett rum för en person/två/tre/fyra personer(vahd koostar at room fur ahn pahrsoon/tfoo/trah/feera parsoonar) |
Does the room come with... | Inkluderas ... i rummet (Ehnkluhdehras ... ee roomat) |
...bedsheets? | ...lakan? (laa can) |
...a bathroom? | ...ett badrum? (at baahd room) |
...a telephone? | ...en telefon? (ahn tahlephoon) |
...a TV? | ...en TV? (ahn teh veh) |
May I see the room first? | Får jag se rummet först? (Fohr yag seh roomat first?) |
Do you have anything smaller? | Finns det något mindre? (feens dat noogot meendra?) |
...bigger? | ...större? (stuh rah) |
...cleaner? | ...renare? (rehnara) |
...cheaper? | ...billigare? (beelee gaa rah) |
OK, I'll take it. | OK, jag tar det. (Oh-key, yag taar dat) |
I will stay for _____ night (nights). | Jag stannar _____ natt (nätter). (yag stahnahr ____ nat (natar)) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Kan du föreslå ett annat hotell? (Can doo fur-ah-sloo at ahnat hohtahl) |
Do you have a safe? | Har du ett kassaskåp? (Hahr doo at cassascope) |
...lockers? | ...låsbara skåp? (loosbahra scope) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Ingår frukost/kvällsmat (kvällsmat can also be called middag [more common])? (ingoor froo-kost/ kvahlsmat (meedag)) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | När är det frukost/kvällsmat (middag)? (Nehr are det froo-kost/kvahlsmat (meedag)) |
Please clean my room. | Gör rent mitt rum, är ni snäll. (Yur rent meet room, ehr nee snahl) Or: "Städa mitt rum, tack" (stahda met room, tack) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Kan du väcka mig klockan _____? (Can doo vacka may clockan) |
I want to check out. | Jag vill checka ut. (Yag veel chaca oot) |
Select the hyperlinks below to find a list of helpful Swedish holiday keyword phrases which you’ll find arranged by group. For every travel phrase in Swedish, you will notice the actual English interpretation.
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