How do we say the Days of the week in Swedish language
If you are exploring in Sweden and someone actually asks you in Swedish “what day is it today?” you will need to understand how to tell the days of the 7 days in Swedish quickly and easily. What if people asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You’ll want to write the time in Swedish maybe. Apply our day phrases in Swedish down below to know the full week days in Swedish. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Swedish
today | idag (ee dag) |
tonight | inatt (ee nat) |
yesterday | igår (ee goor) |
yesternight | igår natt (ee goor nat) |
the day before yesterday | i förrgår (ee fur goor) |
tomorrow | imorgon (ee moor goon) |
the day after tomorrow | i övermorgon (ee uh vahr moorgoon) |
this week | denna vecka (dehn a vecka) |
last week | förra veckan (fur a veckan) |
next week | nästa vecka (nesta vecka) |
Please note that the first day in week in Sweden is Monday, not Sunday. | |
Sunday | söndag (Sun daag) |
Monday | måndag (moon daag) |
Tuesday | tisdag (Tees daag) |
Wednesday | onsdag (oons daag) |
Thursday | torsdag (toosh daag) |
Friday | fredag (fraah daag) |
Saturday | lördag (lur daag) |
Months in Swedish Language
January | januari (yaan oo ah ree) |
February | februari (fab roo ah ree) |
March | mars (maash) |
April | april (aa preel) |
May | maj (my) |
June | juni (yoo nee) |
July | juli (yoo lee) |
August | augusti (ao goo stee) |
September | september (sap tam bahr) |
October | oktober (ohk too bahr) |
November | november (noo vam baar) |
December | december (dah sam baar) |
Click on the links below to find out a list of beneficial Swedish travel key phrases that are structured by category. For each holiday word or phrase in Swedish, you will find the English interpretation.
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