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Swedish Vowels: Learn How to Pronounce Them Easily

Swedish vowels present in Swedish Alphabet is a sound that’s pronounced by simply with your lips (in the case of nasal vowels, the usage of your nose) without having any obstruction of the lips, tongue, or throat.There are actually certainly numerous typical regulations to bear in mind any time saying Swedish vowels. Learn More

The articulatory options which often identify various Swedish vowel sounds are stated to look for the vowel’s good quality in Swedish Language. In a very well known vowel procedure similar to the Swedish vowel model, there are many typical elements – height (vertical dimension), blackness (horizontal dimension) and roundedness (lips placement). Learn The Swedish Vowels
Swedish Language Words

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You will find having said that still additional feasible features of Swedish vowel good quality, such as velum position (nasality), kind of vocal fold vibrations (phonation), in addition to tongue root placement.

List of Swedish Vowels in Swedish Alphabet

Swedish Vowels in Alphabet

Swedish is notorious for its extra vowel sounds, giving Swedish nine (!) different vowels. Most are pronounced differently than English, and some don't even have a true English equivalent; some may be close, but sound like a combination of two vowel sounds. This can be very confusing, but you probably won't hear enough Swedish to know the difference, as they can be very slight. If you don't get it exactly, you may still be understood. All vowels can be pronounced short or long which means that Swedish has 17 different vowel sounds (short e and short ä is almost the same in some places of the country - especially in the Stockholm dialect). This rule does not apply for most of the dialects in the Norrland region.
Please note: in Swedish 'y' is a vowel and not a consonant.
alike 'a' in "father."
eshort: like 'e' in "bed" or "pen." long: like 'ey' in "hey," but longer. Can sometimes sound slightly like "Ay-uh;" because the Swedish pronounciation is longer. E's are usually pronounced at the end of a word, such as in "kaffe" (pronounced kaff-eh, meaning coffee), unlike English where e's at the end of a word are usually silent.
ishort: like 'i' in "India" long: like 'i' in "machine." Fairly straightforward.
olike 'u' in "put," but not exactly. It's somewhere between that and the 'o' in "broken" in actuality. The o in "fool" is similar too.
ulike 'ou' in "you."
ya bit like 'y' in "Nitroglycerin." This is one of the harder ones to learn. Easiest way is to pout your lips (important) and say "bee." It may sound closer to an English short 'i' sound to some people.
ålike 'au' in "Paul" generally speaking, or lika the a in "Tall".
älike "a" in "mare" (identical to the ä in German). Pronounced with more bass if preceding r.
ösomewhat like a mix between the "io" in "Motion", and the "oo" in "Book". Pronounced with more bass if preceding r. The u in "Turn" is also close depending on what word it's in.

Swedish Semi Vowels in Alphabet

Click on the hyperlinks below to find a number of helpful Swedish holiday words which you’ll find organized by group. For every holiday phrase in Swedish, you will notice the English interpretation.

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