Alphabet in Turkish Language
Learning the Turkish alphabet is important in learning the Turkish Language. Turkish alphabet configuration is applied in a daily conversation. Without the Turkish alphabet, it is extremely hard to speak the Turkish words properly even if a person learn how to write those words in Turkish. Learn More
As with any language, the better a person pronounce a letter in a word, the more grasped you will be in talking the Turkish language. Underneath are web links that redirects you to the Turkish alphabet and how it is pronounced in English.
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Vowels in Turkish Alphabet
The harmony of vowels | |
Turkish has an unusual feature called vowel harmony, which means that the vowels (a, e, i, ı, o, ö, u, ü) can never be found next to each other in the same word, except some loan words, mostly from Arabic. | |
The Turkish vowels are | |
A | - a short sound, as in the English car |
E | - a short sound, as in the English pet |
İ | - the sound in the English meet and at the beginning of İstanbul (ees-tan-bul) |
I | - a "neutral" sound between "a" and "ee", place your tongue like saying "ee", butpronounceitit"ah", with the tongue bent slightly backwards. It has no real equivalent in English, and the closest sound is the "uh" which replaces the "e" in the second syllable of open |
O | - as in the English order |
Ö | - pronounced as in German, a blend of "o" and "e", with lips rounded |
U | - short as in the English put |
Ü | - pronounced as in German, make a sound like "ee", but round your lips like youaregoingto so say"oo" |
Remember that, in lower case, the two letters İ and I look different as well. The lower case form of İ is i, while the lower case form of I is ı. | |
Consonants in Turkish Alphabet
B | - as in bed |
C | - pronounced as the initial letter in the English jump |
Ç | - the "ch" sound in the English chapel |
D | - as in drum |
F | - as in far |
G | - as in girl |
Ğ | - a silent letter, which serves to lengthen the previous vowel |
H | - as in hello |
J | - pronounced as in the French name Jean |
K | - as in king |
L | - as in love |
M | - as in man |
N | - as in new |
P | - as in print |
R | - a tricky consonant in Turkish, most often rolled very lightly |
S | - as in snake |
Ş | - the "sh" sound in the English shake |
T | - as in take |
V | - roughly the mid-point between the "v" in very and the "w" in was |
Y | - as in yet |
Z | - as in zoo' |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Turkish Alphabet
Turkish grammar and sentence structures as well as vocabulary differ completely from Indo-European languages like English and Persian and Semitic languages like Arabic and Hebrew and indeed from many other languages. There are no articles, genders, or declensions. Unlike many languages, Turkish forms words by a process known as "agglutination", where prefixes and suffixes are attached to words to mark different parts of speech and so on. Thus, an English phrase such as "I am an Australian" is rendered in Turkish with the one word "Avustralyalıyım - Avustralya-lı-y-ım" (Australia-n-I'm). Turkish uses postpositions instead of prepositions. Thus, an English phrase such as "in Turkey" is rendered in Turkish as "Türkiye'de - Türkiye-de" (Turkey - in). | |
In Turkish there are two ways of addressing people - informal and polite, like in German, French or Russian. Turkish has two "you" verb forms which denote the relationship the speaker has to someone else. For formal address the plural form of second person "siz" should be used, while for informal address the singular form of the second person "sen" is used. | |
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