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Dealing With Authorities in Turkish Language

If you are traveling in Turkey or any country where people speak Turkish and you are in an emergency situation, dealing with authorities such as the police in Turkish might be overwhelming. You need to find out no less than the fundamental Turkish sentences when it comes to crisis situations to assist you to speak to your country’s consulate. Learn More

List of Turkish Phrases For Emergencies

Turkish Language Words

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I haven't done anything wrong.Yanlış birşey yapmadım.
It was a misunderstanding.Yanlış anlaşılma oldu.
Where are you taking me?Beni nereye götürüyorsunuz?
Am I under arrest?Tutuklu muyum?
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.Ben bir Amerikan/Avustralya/İngiliz/Kanada vatandaşıyım.
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.Amerikan/Avustralya/İngiltere/Kanada büyükelçiliğiyle/konsolosluğuyla konuşmak istiyorum.
I want to talk to a lawyer.Bir avukatla konuşmak istiyorum.
Can I just pay a fine now?Şimdi yalnızca bir ceza ödesem olur mu?
I want to speak to your superiorAmirinizle konuşmak istiyorum.

Select the hyperlinks below to find a number of beneficial Turkish travel key phrases which are sorted by group. For every travel word or phrase in Turkish, you will see the English interpretation.

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