Alphabet in Ukrainian Language
Knowing the Ukrainian alphabet is necessary in learning the Ukrainian Language. Ukrainian alphabet composition is applied in a daily conversation. With out the Ukrainian alphabet, it is impossible to say the Ukrainian words and phrases correctly even if you understand how to write those terms in Ukrainian. Learn More
Like in any language, the far better a person pronounce a letter in a word, the easier grasped you’ll be in speaking the Ukrainian language. Here are links that directs you to the Ukrainian alphabet and how it can be pronounced in English.
 Learn Ukrainian Language Online | ) |
А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ь Ю Я | |
а б в г ґ д е є ж з и і ї й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ь ю я | |
Vowels in Ukrainian Alphabet
In Ukrainian, vowels tend to suffer vowel reduction due to the fact that the stress isn't fixed. The good news is that there are only a few vowels that need special attention towards, making Ukrainian easier to speak than Russian. | |
Аа | ah like "arrive" if stressed; "u" like hut if unstressed. |
Яя | Ya like the 'ya' in "yard" ( middle or end of word 'ia' as in "mia") |
Ее | like 'e' in "Lenin" if stressed; "ih" like the 'i' in "bit" if unstressed. |
Єє | like 'ye' in "yet" ( middle or end of word 'ie' as in "miedo") Rarely used after a consonant. |
Ии | ih like 'i' in "bit" if stressed; 'e' in "Lenin" if unstressed. |
Йй | y, as in boy |
Іі | like 'ee' in "seen" if stressed; "ih" like 'i' in "bit" if unstressed. |
Її | yee like in "Yield" |
Уу | like 'oo' in "hoop" |
Юю | 'yu' like you ( middle or end of word 'iu' as in "viuda") |
Оo | like "o" in obey if stressed- but never spoken as "ou"; the unstressed "o" is less reduced than it is in Russian. If unstressed, pronounced it like the 'oo' in "hoop". |
Consonants in Ukrainian Alphabet
Бб | 'b' as in "bite" |
Вв | 'v' as in "violin" |
Гг | 'h' as in "hello"; [usually aspirated] sometimes pronounced like 'g' as in 'go'. |
Ґґ | 'g' as in "go"; VERY rarely used |
Дд | 'd' as in "do" |
Жж | 'zh' as in "pleasure" |
Зз | 'z' as in "zone" |
Кк | 'c' as in "cat" |
Лл | 'l' as in "love" |
Мм | 'm' as in "mother" |
Нн | 'n' as in "nice" |
Пп | 'p' as in "piano" |
Рр | 'r' is always rolled like Spanish or Scottish |
Сс | 's' as in "sing" |
Тт | 't' as in "top" |
Фф | 'f' as in "fling" |
Хх | Hard "H". Tough for English speakers. Like Scottish "loch or German "Bach". |
Цц | 'ts' as in "sits" |
Чч | 'ch' as in "chip" |
Шш | 'sh' as in "shut" |
Щщ | 'shch'. Tough for English speakers. Hard 'sh'. Halfway between 'sh' and 'ch'. Say: "fresh cheese" or "fish chowder". |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Ukrainian Alphabet
Unfortunately, stress in Ukrainian is not fixed; The stress can fall anywhere within a word, either at the beginning, end or in the middle of a particular word. The good news is that, in most learning material for Ukrainian, the stress is always indicated by a diacritic mark above a vowel. Note that in all forms of Ukrainian media, either newspapers, books, etc. The diacritic never appears. However, they may appear on the names of places and people where necessary. | |
Gender | |
Ukrainian has about three grammatical genders: Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. Indicating the gender of a word is generally very simple: Masculine nouns end in a consonant, the Feminine nouns end in -а or -я, and neuter nouns end in -о, -е and -ння. Note that indicating a gender is very simple, but nouns that end in a 'soft sign' (See Below) can either be masculine or feminine. These nouns will have to be memorized, if you are seriously considering to study Ukrainian. | |
Declension | |
Ukrainian has seven grammatical cases for both nouns and adjectives, which in turn makes Ukrainian a slightly more complicated language than Russian. | |
Nominative | In simplest form, the subject of the sentence. |
Accusative | The case of the direct object, or simply put the object of the verb. |
Genitive | The case for showing ownership of the direct object, or simply put to show "of" |
Dative | The case to show the indirect object, usually a recipient, or to show to whom the action is directed towards. |
Instrumental | The case to show how a subject accomplishes or carries an action by the means of an object. |
Locative (or prepositional) | The case to show location. |
Vocative | The case used to address someone. |
Ukrainian has a grammar that is slightly more complex than Russian, but Ukrainian still acts in a similar way to Russian. For trivia bluffs, 90 | |
of Russian vocabulary is similar to Ukrainian, giving native Russian speakers, or a speaker of a Slavic language, a great advantage. A large amount of foreign words come from English, Russian, Polish and Bulgarian. | |
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