How do we say the Days of the week in Ukrainian language
When you are on a journey in Ukraine and people asks you in Ukrainian “what day is it today?” you will need to learn how to give the days of the week in Ukrainian easily and quickly. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You’ll want to write the time in Ukrainian maybe. Start using our day key phrases in Ukrainian below to tell the full week days in Ukrainian. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Ukrainian
day | день (den') |
afternoon | час пiсля полудня (CHas PISlia poLUDnia) |
night | нiч (nich) |
week | тиждень (TIZHden') |
today | сьогодні (s'oGHODni) |
yesterday | yчора(uCHOra) |
tomorrow | завтра (ZAVtra) |
this week | цього тижня (TS'Ogo TIZHnia) |
last week | минулого тижня (miNUL'oho TIZHnia) |
next week | наступного тижня (nasTUpnogo TIZHnia) |
Sunday | неділя (neDIlia) |
Monday | понеділок ('poneDIlok) |
Tuesday | вівторок (vivTOrok) |
Wednesday | середа (sereDA) |
Thursday | четвер (chetvER) |
Friday | п’ятниця (p'IAtnitsia) |
Saturday | субота (suBOta) |
Months in Ukrainian Language
January | січень (SIchen' ) |
February | лютий (LIUtiy) |
March | березень (BErezen' ) |
April | квітень (KVIten' ) |
May | травень (TRAven' ) |
June | червень (CHErven' ) |
July | липень (LIpen' ) |
August | серпень (SERpen' ) |
September | вересень (VEresen' ) |
October | жовтень (ZHOvten' ) |
November | листопад (listoPAD) |
December | грудень (GHRUden' ) |
Select the hyperlinks directly below to check out a number of useful Ukrainian holiday key phrases which are structured by category. For every travel word or phrase in Ukrainian, you will see the actual English translation.
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