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For anyone who is in Ukraine or perhaps a Ukrainian speaking place, ever wondered how to tell the time in Ukrainian? Telling the time in Ukrainian is all about understanding the Ukrainian numbers as well as some principles concerning the hours, minutes and seconds in Ukrainian. Learn More

In this particular web site, you’ll find out simply ways to reveal to the time in Ukrainian using the following words and phrases with regard to:
Ukrainian Language Words

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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Ukrainian Language

nowтепер/зараз (tep-ER/ZA-raz)
immediatelyвже (vzhe)
laterпізніше (piz-NI-she)
beforeперед (PE-red)
morningранок (RA-nok)
in the morningвранці (VRAN-tsi)
afternoonпісля обіду (PIS-lia OBI-dy)
before the afternoonперед обідом (PE-red o-BI-dom)
eveningвечір (VE-chir)
in the eveningувечері (u-VE-cheri)
nightніч (nich)
at nightвночі (vno-CHI)

Need to know the correct way to say 6 o’clock in Ukrainian? Use the terms listed below that may help you tell the present time on the actual clock in Ukrainian.
one o'clock AMперша (година) ночі (PER-sha (gho-DI-na) NO-chi)
two o'clock AMдруга (година) ночі (DRU-gha (gho-DI-na) NO-chi)
at noonопівдні (o-PIV-dni)
one o'clock PMперша година після обіду / перша година дня (PERsha ghoDIna PISlia oBIdu/ PERsha ghoDIna dnia)
two o'clock PMдруга година після обіду / друга година дня (DRUgha ghoDIna PISlia oBIdu/ DRUgha ghoDIna dnia)
midnightпівніч (PIVnich)
at midnightопівночі (oPIvnochi)

Make use of the simple Ukrainian sentences to determine the time period such as a Year, Week and a Four week period when it comes to Ukrainian language.
_____ minute(s)_____ хвилина(и) (khviLIna(i))
_____ hour(s)_____ година(и) (goDIna(i))
_____ day(s)_____ день(дні) (den'(dni))
_____ week(s)_____ тиждень(тижні) (TIZHden'(TIZHni))
_____ month(s)_____ місяць(і) (MIsiats(i))
_____ year(s)_____ рік(роки) (rik(rokI))

Select the hyperlinks below to find out a number of practical Ukrainian holiday phrases which you’ll find structured by theme. For each holiday word or phrase in Ukrainian, you will notice the English translation.

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