Alphabet in Belarussian Language
Knowing the Belarussian alphabet is important in mastering the Belarussian Language. Belarussian alphabet configuration is used in a every day conversation. Without the Belarussian alphabet, it is extremely hard to speak the Belarussian terms correctly even if you understand how to write those words in Belarussian. Learn More
As with any language, the better anyone articulate a letter in a word, the more grasped you will be in talking the Belarussian language. Here are a few web links which guides you to the Belarussian alphabet and how it is pronounced in English.
 Learn Belarussian Language Online | ) |
Аа Бб Вв Гг Ґґ Дд ДЖдж ДЗЬдзь Ее Ёё Жж Зз Іі Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс СЬсь Тт Уу Ўў Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Ыы Ьь Ээ Юю Яя | |
Vowels in Belarussian Alphabet
Аа | like the 'a' in 'alone' |
Ее | like "ye" in "yet" or the "ie" in "miedo" |
Ёё | like "yo" in "yonder" or the "io" in "frio" |
Ээ | like "e" in "met" |
Йй | like "y" in "play" or "boy". It's a semivowel, and it is always combined with a full vowel. |
Іі | like "ee" in "see" |
Оо | like "o" in "open" |
Уу | like "oo" in "boot" |
Consonants in Belarussian Alphabet
Бб | like "b" in "bit" |
Вв | like "v" in "vine" |
Гг | approx. like "h" in "how" [aspirated like the 'ck' in "brick"] |
Ґґ | like "g" in "go" [not often used] |
Дд | like "d" in "do" |
ДЖдж | like "j" in "journey" |
ДЗЬдзь | approx. like "ds" in "raids" |
Жж | like "s" in "pleasure" |
Зз | like "z" in "zoo" |
ЗЬзь | soft palatalized sound in between "z" and "zh". |
Кк | like "k" in "kitten" |
Лл | like "l" in "lady" |
ЛЬль | soft "l" like "l" in "lemon" |
Мм | like "m" in "my" |
Нн | like "n" in "not" or like the "ny" in "canyon" |
НЬнь | like "n" in "near" |
Пп | like "p" in "pot" |
Рр | trilled "r" (similar to a Spanish "r") |
Сс | like "s" in "sun" |
СЬсь | soft palatalized sound in between "s" and "sh". |
Тт | like "t" in "tip" |
Ўў | like final "w" in "window" |
Фф | like "f" in "face" |
Хх | like "ch" in Scottish "loch" |
Цц | like "ts" in "cats" |
ЦЬць | soft palatalized sound in between "ts" and "ch". |
Чч | like the 'ch' in "chest" |
Шш | like "sh" in "shut" |
Ыы | like the 'y' in 'possibly' |
Ьь | silent |
Юю | like "u" in "duke"[iu] |
Яя | like "ya" in "yard" or the "ia" in "mia" |
Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Belarussian Alphabet
ай | like 'eye' |
яй | like saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'eye' [yah-ee] |
ой | like 'oy' in "boy" [oy] |
ей | like 'ye' in "yet" and 'ay' in "play" [yeh ee] |
эй | like 'ey' in "prey" [ey] |
ый | like 'i' in "Chris" and 'y' in "yes" similar to saying "possibly yes" [ee yeh] |
уй | like 'oo' in "good" and 'y' in "yet" [oo yeh] |
юй | like 'you' and 'y' in "play" [yoo ee] |
аў | like 'ou' in "out" [ah oo] |
яў | like saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'ou' in "out" [yah oo] |
оў | like the 'ow' in "grow" [oh oo] |
еў | like 'ye' in "yet" and 'wo' in "won't" [yeh woh] |
эў | like 'e' in 'end' and 'wo' in "won't" [eh woh] |
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