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Alphabet in Belarussian Language

Knowing the Belarussian alphabet is important in mastering the Belarussian Language. Belarussian alphabet configuration is used in a every day conversation. Without the Belarussian alphabet, it is extremely hard to speak the Belarussian terms correctly even if you understand how to write those words in Belarussian. Learn More

As with any language, the better anyone articulate a letter in a word, the more grasped you will be in talking the Belarussian language. Here are a few web links which guides you to the Belarussian alphabet and how it is pronounced in English.
Belarussian Language Words

Learn Belarussian Language Online


Аа Бб Вв Гг Ґґ Дд ДЖдж ДЗЬдзь Ее Ёё Жж Зз Іі Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс СЬсь Тт Уу Ўў Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Ыы Ьь Ээ Юю Яя

Vowels in Belarussian Alphabet

Ааlike the 'a' in 'alone'
Ееlike "ye" in "yet" or the "ie" in "miedo"
Ёёlike "yo" in "yonder" or the "io" in "frio"
Ээlike "e" in "met"
Ййlike "y" in "play" or "boy". It's a semivowel, and it is always combined with a full vowel.
Ііlike "ee" in "see"
Ооlike "o" in "open"
Ууlike "oo" in "boot"

Consonants in Belarussian Alphabet

Ббlike "b" in "bit"
Ввlike "v" in "vine"
Ггapprox. like "h" in "how" [aspirated like the 'ck' in "brick"]
Ґґlike "g" in "go" [not often used]
Ддlike "d" in "do"
ДЖджlike "j" in "journey"
ДЗЬдзьapprox. like "ds" in "raids"
Жжlike "s" in "pleasure"
Ззlike "z" in "zoo"
ЗЬзьsoft palatalized sound in between "z" and "zh".
Ккlike "k" in "kitten"
Ллlike "l" in "lady"
ЛЬльsoft "l" like "l" in "lemon"
Ммlike "m" in "my"
Ннlike "n" in "not" or like the "ny" in "canyon"
НЬньlike "n" in "near"
Ппlike "p" in "pot"
Ррtrilled "r" (similar to a Spanish "r")
Ссlike "s" in "sun"
СЬсьsoft palatalized sound in between "s" and "sh".
Ттlike "t" in "tip"
Ўўlike final "w" in "window"
Ффlike "f" in "face"
Ххlike "ch" in Scottish "loch"
Ццlike "ts" in "cats"
ЦЬцьsoft palatalized sound in between "ts" and "ch".
Ччlike the 'ch' in "chest"
Шшlike "sh" in "shut"
Ыыlike the 'y' in 'possibly'
Ююlike "u" in "duke"[iu]
Яяlike "ya" in "yard" or the "ia" in "mia"

Semi Vowels/ Diphthongs in Belarussian Alphabet

айlike 'eye'
яйlike saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'eye' [yah-ee]
ойlike 'oy' in "boy" [oy]
ейlike 'ye' in "yet" and 'ay' in "play" [yeh ee]
эйlike 'ey' in "prey" [ey]
ыйlike 'i' in "Chris" and 'y' in "yes" similar to saying "possibly yes" [ee yeh]
уйlike 'oo' in "good" and 'y' in "yet" [oo yeh]
юйlike 'you' and 'y' in "play" [yoo ee]
аўlike 'ou' in "out" [ah oo]
яўlike saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'ou' in "out" [yah oo]
оўlike the 'ow' in "grow" [oh oo]
еўlike 'ye' in "yet" and 'wo' in "won't" [yeh woh]
эўlike 'e' in 'end' and 'wo' in "won't" [eh woh]

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