About Belarussian Consonants Chart
Would like to know which are the consonants present in Belarussian language? In articulatory phonetics, a Belarussian consonant is really a speech sound which is articulated having full or partial closure in the vocal region. The word consonant can also be employed to make reference to a letter of a Belarussian alphabet that indicates a consonant sound. Learn More
Belarussian Consonants Chart
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Belarussian Consonants in Alphabet
Бб | like "b" in "bit" |
Вв | like "v" in "vine" |
Гг | approx. like "h" in "how" [aspirated like the 'ck' in "brick"] |
Ґґ | like "g" in "go" [not often used] |
Дд | like "d" in "do" |
ДЖдж | like "j" in "journey" |
ДЗЬдзь | approx. like "ds" in "raids" |
Жж | like "s" in "pleasure" |
Зз | like "z" in "zoo" |
ЗЬзь | soft palatalized sound in between "z" and "zh". |
Кк | like "k" in "kitten" |
Лл | like "l" in "lady" |
ЛЬль | soft "l" like "l" in "lemon" |
Мм | like "m" in "my" |
Нн | like "n" in "not" or like the "ny" in "canyon" |
НЬнь | like "n" in "near" |
Пп | like "p" in "pot" |
Рр | trilled "r" (similar to a Spanish "r") |
Сс | like "s" in "sun" |
СЬсь | soft palatalized sound in between "s" and "sh". |
Тт | like "t" in "tip" |
Ўў | like final "w" in "window" |
Фф | like "f" in "face" |
Хх | like "ch" in Scottish "loch" |
Цц | like "ts" in "cats" |
ЦЬць | soft palatalized sound in between "ts" and "ch". |
Чч | like the 'ch' in "chest" |
Шш | like "sh" in "shut" |
Ыы | like the 'y' in 'possibly' |
Ьь | silent |
Юю | like "u" in "duke"[iu] |
Яя | like "ya" in "yard" or the "ia" in "mia" |
Belarussian Diphthongs in Alphabet
ай | like 'eye' |
яй | like saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'eye' [yah-ee] |
ой | like 'oy' in "boy" [oy] |
ей | like 'ye' in "yet" and 'ay' in "play" [yeh ee] |
эй | like 'ey' in "prey" [ey] |
ый | like 'i' in "Chris" and 'y' in "yes" similar to saying "possibly yes" [ee yeh] |
уй | like 'oo' in "good" and 'y' in "yet" [oo yeh] |
юй | like 'you' and 'y' in "play" [yoo ee] |
аў | like 'ou' in "out" [ah oo] |
яў | like saying 'ya' in "yard" and 'ou' in "out" [yah oo] |
оў | like the 'ow' in "grow" [oh oo] |
еў | like 'ye' in "yet" and 'wo' in "won't" [yeh woh] |
эў | like 'e' in 'end' and 'wo' in "won't" [eh woh] |
Select the hyperlinks directly below to check out a list of helpful Belarussian travel words and phrases that are arranged by theme. For every holiday phrase in Belarussian, there’ll be the actual English translation.
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