Common Signs in Belarussian Language
Thinking to go to a Belarussian speaking state? Have you questioned if you are going to manage to understand the roads signs in Belarussian or even typical signs inside an airport of your location? Learn More
Much of our standard signs when it comes to Belarussian shows renowned signs in public places and typical street signs or symptoms found in Belarus. It is vital to get familiar with these types of signs before you take a trip to a Belarussian speaking nation, as it can certainly guide you when you are driving a vehicle or going for a walk, help you in when you need it situation, or perhaps make a person’s life simpler when seeing Belarus or any other nation where people speak the Belarussian language.
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List of Common Signs in Belarussian Language
OPEN | адкрываць (ahd-kry-VAHTS') |
CLOSED | закрытая (zah-kry-taia) |
ENTRANCE | уваход (oo-vah-KHOD) |
EXIT | Выйсцe (VYIHS-tsyeh) |
PUSH | штурхаць (shtoor-KHAHTS') |
PULL | цягнуць (tsyahg-NOOTS') |
TOILET | туалет (twah-LYEHT) |
MEN | людзі (lyood-ZEE) |
WOMEN | жанчыны (zhahn-chy-nee) |
FORBIDDEN | Забаронена (zah-bah-roh-NYEH-nah) |
NO SMOKING | не курыць (nyeh koo-RYTS') |
Select the links directly below to view a list of practical Belarussian travel phrases that are arranged by category. For each holiday word or phrase in Belarussian, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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