Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Bosnian Language
Want to book an accommodation in Bosnia? Exactly how do you say, I would like to book an accommodation in Bosnian? Helpful Bosnian vocab with regard to reserving a room in lodges or needing to require a bedroom with a balcony. Learn More
Together with the Bosnian accommodation relevant keyword phrases listed below, one can learn how to express your questions in Bosnian. Many of these inquiries include things like: “how many days you will be reserving for?” and “how much would it cost to reserve a room?” Subsequently, you will be able to grasp the replies in Bosnian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Imate li slobodnih soba? (ee-MAH-teh lee sloh-BOHD-nee SOH-bah?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Koliko košta soba za jednu osobu/dvije osobe? (koh-LEE-koh KOHSH-tah SOH-bah zah YEHD-noo oh-SOH-boo/ dvyeh oh-SOH-beh?) |
Does the room come with | Da li u sobi ima (dah lee oo SOH-bee EE-mah) |
...bedsheets? | ...čaršafa? (...chahr-SHAH-fah?) |
...a bathroom? | ...kupatilo? (...koo-PAH-tee-loh?) |
...a telephone? | ...telefon? (teh-LEH-fohn?) |
...a TV? | ...televizor? (teh-leh-VEE-sohr?) |
May I see the room first? | Mogu li prvo pogledati sobu? (MOH-goo lee PEHR-voh poh-GLEH-dah-tee SOH-boo?) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Imate li nešto tiše? (ee-MAH-teh lee NEHSH-toh TEE-sheh?) |
...bigger? | ...veće? (...VEH-tcheh?) |
...cleaner? | ...čišće? (...CHEE-shtcheh?) |
...cheaper? | ...jeftinije? (...yehf-TEE-nyeh?) |
OK, I'll take it. | U redu, uzeću je. (oo REH-doo, oo-ZEH-tchoo yeh) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Ostaću _____ noć(i). (ohs-TAH-tchoo...notch(ee)) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Možete li mi preporučiti drugi hotel? (moh-ZHEH-teh lee mee preh-poh-ROO-chee-tee DROO-gee HOH-tehl?) |
Do you have a safe? | Imate li sef? (ee-MAH-teh lee sehf?) |
...lockers? | ...ormariće? (...ohr-MAH-ree-tcheh?) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Da li je doručak/večera uključen? (dah lee yeh doh-ROO-chahk/ veh-CHEH-rah oo-KLYOO-chehn ah?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Kada je doručak/večera? (KAH-dah yeh doh-ROO-chahk/ veh-CHEH-rah?) |
Please clean my room. | Molim, očistite mi sobu. (MOH-leem, oh-CHEES-tee-teh mee SOH-boo) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Možete li me probuditi u_____? (moh-ZHEH-teh lee meh proh-BOO-dee-tee oo...?) |
I want to check out. | Želim se odjaviti. (ZHEH-leem seh oh-DYAH-vee-tee) |
Click on the links below to find out a list of useful Bosnian holiday keyword phrases which are organized by theme. For every travel phrase in Bosnian, you will see the English translation.
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