Common Signs in Bosnian Language
Thinking to go to a Bosnian speaking area? Have you considered if you are going to manage to understand the streets signs in Bosnian or even the usual signs in an airport of your location? Learn More
Some of our normal signs within Bosnian provides famous signage in public areas and common streets signs and symptoms in Bosnia. It is important to learn some of these signage before you visit a Bosnian speaking region, as it can certainly enable you while driving a vehicle or taking walks, guide you in a serious event situation, or even just make ones life simpler when traveling to Bosnia as well as other place wherever they talk the Bosnian language.
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List of Common Signs in Bosnian Language
OPEN | Otvoren (oht-VOH-rehn) |
CLOSED | Zatvoren (zaht-VOH-rehn) |
ENTRANCE | Ulazak (OO-lah-zahk), Uzlaz (OOZ-lahz) |
EXIT | Izlaz (EEZ-lahz) |
PUSH | Gurati (goo-RAH-tee) |
PULL | Vući (VOO-tchee) |
TOILET | Toalet (TWAH-leht) |
MEN | Ljudi (LYOO-dee) |
WOMEN | Žene (ZHEH-neh) |
CUSTOMS | Carina (tsah-REE-nah) |
FORBIDDEN | Zabranjen (zah-BRAH-nyehn) |
Click on the hyperlinks directly below to view a number of practical Bosnian travel keyword phrases which you’ll find arranged by group. For every holiday phrase in Bosnian, you will notice the actual English translation.
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