How do we say the Days of the week in Bosnian language
While you are exploring in Bosnia and someone asks you in Bosnian “what day is it today?” you have got to recognize how to give the days of the full week in Bosnian simply. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You’ll need to write the time in Bosnian perhaps. Make use of our day key phrases in Bosnian below to understand the full week days in Bosnian. Learn More
 Learn Bosnian Language Online | ) |
Telling the Days of The Week in Bosnian
day | dan (dahn) |
today | danas (DAH-nahs) |
tonight | večeras (veh-CHEH-rahs) |
yesterday | juče (YOO-cheh) |
tomorrow | sutra (SOO-trah) |
this week | ove sedmice (oveh sehd-MEE-tseh) |
last night | sinoć (SEE-nohtch) |
this morning | jutros (YOO-trohs) |
last week | prošle sedmice (PROHSH-leh sehd-MEE-tseh) |
next week | sljedeće sedmice (slyeh-DEH-tcheh sehd-MEE-tseh) |
Sunday | nedjelja (neh-DYEH-lyah) |
Monday | ponedjeljak (poh-neh-DYEH-lyahk) |
Tuesday | utorak (oo-TOH-rahk) |
Wednesday | srijeda (SRYEH-dah) |
Thursday | četvrtak (CHEHT-vrtahk) |
Friday | petak (PEH-tahk) |
Saturday | subota (soo-BOH-tah) |
Months in Bosnian Language
Bosniak Muslims might use the Islamic calendar for religious purposes, such as the dates of the month of Ramadan and other major Islamic festivities. | |
January | Januar (YAH-nwahr) |
February | Februar (FEH-brwahr) |
March | Mart (mahrt) |
April | April (AH-preel) |
May | Maj (mai) |
June | Juni (YOO-nee) |
July | Juli (YOO-lee) |
August | August (OW-goost) |
September | Septembar (sehp-TEHM-bahr) |
October | Oktobar (ohk-TOH-bahr) |
November | Novembar (noh-VEHM-bahr) |
December | Decembar (deh-TSEHM-bahr) |
Click on the links directly below to view a number of useful Bosnian holiday phrases which are structured by theme. For each travel word or phrase in Bosnian, there’ll be the actual English interpretation.
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