How do we say the Days of the week in Egyptian language
If you find yourself venturing in Egypt and a person asks you in Egyptian “what day is it today?” you need to know how to advise the days of the full week in Egyptian simply. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you again?” You’ll want to write the time in Egyptian maybe. Take advantage of our day sentences in Egyptian beneath to understand the week days in Egyptian. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Egyptian
| el ’ayyām الأيام |
Monday | yōm el-etnēn يوم الإتنين |
Tuesday | yōm el-talāt يوم التلات |
Wednesday | yōm el-’arba` يوم الأربع |
Thursday | yōm el-xamīs يوم الخميس |
Friday | yōm el-gom`a يوم الجمعة |
Saturday | yōm es-sabt يوم السبت |
Sunday | yōm el-hadd يوم الحد |
Months in Egyptian Language
| eš-šohūr الشهور |
January | yanāyer يناير |
February | febrâyer فبراير |
March | māres مارس |
April | ebrīl ابريل |
May | māyu مايو |
June | yonya يونيه |
July | yolya يوليه |
August | ağostos اغسطس |
September | sebtamber سبتمبر |
October | oktōbàr اُكتوبر |
November | nofamber نوفمبر |
December | desamber ديسمبر |
Select the links below to find a list of practical Egyptian travel words and phrases which you’ll find arranged by theme. For each holiday word or phrase in Egyptian, you will notice the English interpretation.
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