About Italian Consonants Chart
Wish to know do you know the consonants when it comes to Italian language? In articulatory phonetics, a Italian consonant is a speech sound that’s articulated having total or partial closure in the vocal tract. The word consonant is additionally used to relate to a letter of a Italian alphabet which implies a consonant sound. Learn More
Italian Consonants Chart
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Italian Consonants in Alphabet
Silent I | If ci or gi is followed by another vowel, the i is silent. For example, giallo (yellow) is pronounced "JAHL-loh". |
b | like 'b' in "bed" |
c | like 'k' in "kid" (before 'a', 'o', 'u'), like 'ch' in "chipper" (before 'i' or 'e') |
d | like 'd' in "dog" |
f | like 'ph' in "phone" |
g | like 'g' in "go" (before 'a', 'o', 'u'), like 'j' in "jello" (before 'i' or 'e'), silent before an 'l' as in 'Luglio' |
h | silent |
l | like 'l' in "love" |
m | like 'm' in "mother" |
n | like 'n' in "nice" |
p | like 'p' in "pig" |
q | like 'q' in "quest" (almost always with "u",) |
r | trill with the tip of the tongue |
s | like 'ss' in "gas" |
t | like 't' in "top" |
v | like 'v' in "victory" |
z | as in "pizza" or "adze" |
Italian Diphthongs in Alphabet
ai | like 'i' in "fight" |
au | like 'ow' in "brown" |
ei | like 'ay' in "say" |
eu | like the 'eu' similar to the Spanish word "Europa" |
ee | identical vowels [stress on the first vowel " idee " (ee-DEH-eh)] |
ia | like 'ia' similar to the Spanish word "mía" |
ie | like 'ie' similar to the Spanish word "miedo" |
ii | identical vowels [stress on the first vowel " addii " (ahd-DEE-ee)] |
io | like 'io' as in the Spanish word "tío" and similar to the 'eo' in "Leo" |
iu | like 'ew' in "few" |
oi | like 'oy' in "boy" |
oo | identical vowels [stress on the first vowel " zoo " (DZOH-oh)] |
uo | like 'wo' in "won't" |
Select the links below to see a list of beneficial Italian travel words which are organized by group. For every holiday word or phrase in Italian, you will find the actual English interpretation.
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