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How do we say the Days of the week in Italian language

When you’re traveling in Italy and someone asks you in Italian “what day is it today?” you’ll want to understand how to give the days of the 7 days in Italian easily and quickly. What if somebody asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You’ll need to write the time in Italian maybe. Use our day key phrases in Italian beneath to determine the full week days in Italian. Learn More

Italian Language Words

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Telling the Days of The Week in Italian

todayoggi (OHD-jee)
yesterdayieri (YEH-ree)
tomorrowdomani (doh-MAH-nee)
day after tomorrowdopo domani ( doh-poh doh-MAH-nee)
this weekquesta settimana (KWEHS-tah seht-tee-MAH-nah)
last weekla settimana scorsa (lah set-tee-MAH-nah SKOR-sah)
next weekla prossima settimana (lah PROHS-see-mah set-tee-MAH-nah)
Sundaydomenica (doh-MEH-nee-kah)
Mondaylunedì (loo-neh-DEE)
Tuesdaymartedì (mahr-teh-DEE)
Wednesdaymercoledì (mehr-koh-leh-DEE)
Thursdaygiovedì (joh-veh-DEE)
Fridayvenerdì (veh-nehr-DEE)
Saturdaysabato (SAH-bah-toh)

Months in Italian Language

Januarygennaio (jehn-NAH-yoh)
Februaryfebbraio (fehb-BRAH-yoh)
Marchmarzo (MAR-tso)
Aprilaprile (ah-PREE-leh)
Maymaggio (MAHD-joh)
Junegiugno (JOO-nyoh)
Julyluglio (LOO-lyoh)
Augustagosto (ah-GOHS-toh)
Septembersettembre (seht-TEM-breh)
Octoberottobre (oht-TOH-breh)
Novembernovembre (noh-VEHM-breh)
Decemberdicembre (dee-CHEM-breh)

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to find a list of practical Italian holiday words and phrases that are organized by category. For each travel word or phrase in Italian, there’ll be the actual English interpretation.

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