Phrases to Help You Book a Hotel Room in Lithuanian Language
Want to reserve a hotel room in Lithuania? How do you say, I would like to make a reservation for an accommodation in Lithuanian? Helpful Lithuanian terms intended for making your reservation for a room in resorts or needing to request a room with a deck. Learn More
Using the Lithuanian accommodation similar key phrases listed here, one can learn how to express your questions in Lithuanian. Many of these questions include things like: “how many days you’ll be booking for?” and “how much would it cost to reserve a room?” Subsequently, it will be easier to be familiar with the actual responses in Lithuanian.
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Do you have any rooms available? | Ar turite laisvų kambarių? (ahr TUh-rih-teh luys-VOO kahm-bah-RYOO?) |
How much is a room for one person/two people? | Kiek kainuoja kambarys vienam/dviems? (kiak kuy-NWO-yah kahm-bah-REES vyeh-NAHM/dvyehms?) |
Does the room come with... | Ar kambaryje yra... (ahr kahm-bah-rih-YEh ih-RAh...) |
...bedsheets? | ...paklodės? (pahk-LOh-dehhs?) |
...a bathroom? | ...vonios kambarys? (voh-NYOS kahm-bah-REES?) |
...a telephone? | ...telefonas? (teh-leh-FOh-nahs?) |
...a TV? | ...televizorius? (teh-leh-VIh-zoh-ryoos?) |
May I see the room first? | Ar galėčiau pirmiau pamatyti kambarį? (ahr gah-LEHH-chow pihr-MIAOW pah-mah-TEE-tih KAHM-bah-ree?) |
Do you have anything quieter? | Ar turite ką nors tylesnio? (ahr TUh-rih-teh kaa nohrs tee-LEHS-nyoh?) |
...bigger? | ...didesnio? (dih-DEHS-nyoh?) |
...cleaner? | ...švaresnio? (shvah-REHS-nyoh?) |
...cheaper? | ...pigesnio? (pih-GHEHS-nyoh?) |
OK, I'll take it. | Gerai, mes paimsimę šitą (GHEH-ruy, mas pah-IHM-sih-meh SHIh-tahh) |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Mes apsistosime_____nakčiai (naktims) (dative case, not nominative) (mas ahp-sihs-TOh-sih-meh___NAHK-chai (nahk-TIHMS)) |
Can you suggest another hotel? | Gal galėtumėte rekomenduoti/pasiūlyti kitą viešbutį? (ghahl ghah-LEhh-too-mehh-teh reh-koh-mehn-DWOh-tih/pah-SYOO-lee-tih KIh-taa VYEHSh-buh-tee?) |
Do you have a safe? | Ar turite seifą? (ahr TUh-rih-teh SAY-fahh?) |
...lockers? | ...rakinamas spinteles? (rah-KIh-nah-mahs spihn-teh-LEHS?) |
Is breakfast/supper included? | Ar pusryčiai/vakarienė įskaičiuoti? (ahr POOS-ree-chai/vah-kah-RYEh-nehh ees-kuy-CHYOO-Oh-tih?) |
What time is breakfast/supper? | Kelintą valandą pusryčiai/vakarienė? (keh-LIHN-taa VAh-lahn-daa POOS-ree-chai/vah-kah-RYEh-nehh) |
Please clean my room. | Išvalykite mano kambarį, prašau. (eesh-vah-LEE-kih-teh MAh-noh KAHM-bah-rih, prah-SHOW) |
Can you wake me at _____? | Ar galėtumėte mane pažadinti _____? (ahr ghah-LEh-too-meh-teh mah-NEh pah-ZHAh-dihn-tih?) |
I want to check out. | Aš noriu išsiregistruoti (ahsh NOh-ryoo eesh-sih-reh-ghis-TROW-tih) |
Select the hyperlinks below to see a list of beneficial Lithuanian travel keyword phrases that are organized by category. For each travel word or phrase in Lithuanian, you will find the English interpretation.
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