About Macedonian Consonants Chart
Want to know do you know the consonants when it comes to Macedonian language? In articulatory phonetics, the Macedonian consonant is known as a speech sound that is articulated with total as well as partial closure of the vocal system. The word consonant is also employed to relate to a letter of a Macedonian alphabet that indicates a consonant sound. Learn More
Macedonian Consonants Chart
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Macedonian Consonants in Alphabet
Б | B бука - buka - noise...like 'b' in "book" [end of a word 'p' sound] |
В | V вера - vera - faith...like 'v' in "very" [end and middle of a word 'f' sound] |
Г | G гора - gora - wood...like 'g' in "go" [end or middle of a word 'k' sound] |
Д | D да - da - yes...like 'd' in "dust" [end of a word like 't' sound] |
Ѓ | Gj луѓе - lugje - people...like the 'dg' in "fudge" [at the end of the word like a 'tch' sound] |
Ж | Zh жаба - zhaba - frog...like 'si' in "vision" [end of a word is 'sh' sound] |
З | Z за - za - for...like 'z' in "zoo" |
Ѕ | Dz ѕид - dzid - wall...there is no sound like this in English; it is similar to the word suds(suhdz) pronounce d and z together > d-z=dz [end of a word is 'ts' sound] |
Ј | J јас - jas - I...like 'y' in "yacht" |
К | K кама - kama - dagger...like 'c' in "camera" [hard sound] |
Л | L лук - luk - garlic...like 'l' in "look" |
Љ | Lj виљушка - viliushka - fork...like the 'li' in "million" [lyeh] |
M | M ми - mi - me...like 'm' in "me" |
Н | N но - no - but...like 'n' in "no" |
Њ | Nj диња - dinja - melon...like 'ni'- or 'ny'- in "onion" or "canyon"; the spanish ñ [nyeh] |
П | P пат - pat - path...like 'p' in "path" |
Р | R роб - rob - slave...like 'r' in "roca" [usually trilled] |
С | S сон - son - dream...like 's' in "son" |
Т | T тука - tuka - here...like 't' in "too" |
Ќ | Kj ќе - kje - will...like 'tch' in "watch" |
Ф | F факт - fakt - fact...like 'f' in "fact" |
Х | H химна - himna - anthem...like 'h' in "him" [an aspirated sound] |
Ц | C цар - car = tsar - tsar...like 'ts' in "bits" |
Ч | Ch чај - chaj - tea...like 'ch' in "much" |
Џ | Dzh џин - dzhin - giant...like 'gi' in "giant" or 'j' in "jungle" [end or middle of a word 'ch' sound] |
Ш | Sh шума - shuma - forest...like 'sh' in "shop" |
Macedonian Diphthongs in Alphabet
oa | the 'oa' as in "boa" |
ae | like the 'a' in 'another' + 'e' in 'enemy' |
oe | like the 'oe' in 'poet' |
Select the links directly below to find a number of helpful Macedonian holiday words that are structured by theme. For each travel phrase in Macedonian, you will see the English translation.
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