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If you’re in Macedonia or maybe a Macedonian speaking place, ever wondered how one can tell the time in Macedonian? Telling the time in Macedonian is dependant on knowing the Macedonian numbers and a couple of tips with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds when it comes to Macedonian. Learn More

On this internet site, you’ll learn easily the best way to reveal to the time in Macedonian with all the following sentences regarding:
Macedonian Language Words

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List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Macedonian Language

nowсегa (SEH-ghah)
laterпотоа (PO-toa)
beforeпред (pred)
morningутро (U-troh)
afternoonпопладне (poh-PLAHD-neh)
eveningвечер (VEH-cher)
nightноќ (notch)

Need to learn just how to say six o’clock in Macedonian? Utilize the sentences underneath to help you tell the present time on the actual clock in Macedonian.

Take advantage of the elementary Macedonian words and phrases to determine the time length such as a Year, Week and a Month when it comes to Macedonian language.

Select the hyperlinks below to check out a list of beneficial Macedonian travel phrases which are structured by category. For every holiday word or phrase in Macedonian, there’ll be the actual English interpretation.

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