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Useful Macedonian Phrases for Getting Taxi

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We have now included well-known Macedonian terms intended for obtaining a taxi in Macedonian along with English pronunciation. Phrases to catch a taxi
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List of Phrases For Getting Taxi in Macedonian

taxiтакcи (taksi)
Can you take me to...?Може ли да ме одвезете до...? (mozhe li da me odvezete do...?)
Please take me to...Ве молам одвезете ме до... (ve molam odvezete me do...)
How much does it cost to go to...?Колку ќe чини да ме одвезете до...? (kolku kie chini da me odvezete do...?)
Here's fine, thank you.Оставете ме овде, благодарам. (ostavete me ovde blagodaram)

Click on the links below to check out a list of practical Macedonian travel keyword phrases which are structured by group. For every holiday word or phrase in Macedonian, you will see the actual English interpretation.

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