If you are in Malaysia or a Malay speaking place, have you ever wondered how one can tell the actual time in Malay? Telling the actual time in Malay is all about understanding the Malay numbers as well as some guidelines with regards to the hours, minutes and seconds when it comes to Malay. Learn More
In this website, you’ll find out quite easily how one can tell the time in Malay while using subsequent words and phrases for:
 Learn Malay Language Online | ) |
 Learn Malayalam Language Online | ) |
List of Phrases to Help You Telling Time in Malay Language
now | sekarang (...) |
later | nanti (...) |
before | sebelum (...) |
after | selepas (...) |
morning | pagi (0.00 – 10.30) (...) |
afternoon | tengahari (10.30 – 15.00) (...) |
evening | petang (15.00 – 19.00) (...) |
night | malam (19.00 – 0.00) (...) |
Would like to know just how to say 6 o-clock in Malay? Take advantage of the key phrases underneath to help you tell the existing time on the actual clock in Malay.
one o'clock AM | pukul satu pagi (...) |
two o'clock AM | pukul dua pagi (...) |
noon | tengahari (...) |
one o'clock PM | pukul satu petang (...) |
two o'clock PM | pukul dua petang (...) |
midnight | tengah malam (...) |
Use the fundamental Malay terms to know the time duration like a Year, Week and a Month when it comes to Malay language.
_____ second(s) | _____ saat (SAH'aht) |
_____ minute(s) | _____ minit (MI-nit) |
_____ hour(s) | _____ jam (jahm) |
_____ day(s) | _____ hari (HAH-ree) |
_____ week(s) | _____ minggu (MEENG-goo) |
_____ month(s) | _____ bulan (BOO-lahn) |
_____ year(s) | _____ tahun (tah-HOON) |
_____ hour(s) and _____ minute(s) | If the minute is in numbers, _____jam _____ minit. If the minute is expressed as a fraction of the hour e.g two and a half hour: dua jam setengah. (NOT dua setengah jam) |
Select the hyperlinks below to check out a list of useful Malay travel phrases which you’ll find structured by group. For each travel phrase in Malay, there’ll be the English interpretation.
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