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Shopping in Montenegrin Language Phrases

Whenever searching for shirts or dresses or gifts in any Montenegrin speaking place, you simply must recognize various Montenegrin terms to apply whenever looking around. Learn More

Key Montenegrin Phrases to Know When Shopping

Montenegrin Language Words

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Find out the Montenegrin key phrases that are listed below and could be utilized for conversing when you shop in Montenegrin language.
Do you have this in my size?(imte li ovo u mojoj velicini )
How much is this?(koliko kosta ovo )
That's too expensive.(preskupo je )
Would you take _____?(hocete li uzeti )
expensive(skupo )
cheap(jeftino )
I can't afford it.(ne mogu priustiti )
I don't want it.(ne zelim to )
You're cheating me.(varate me )
I'm not interested.(.nisam zainteresovan.)
OK, I'll take it.(u redu, uzimam )
Can I have a bag?(mogu li dobiti torbu )
Do you ship (overseas)?(da li )
I need...(treba mi )
...toothpaste.(pasta za zube )
...a toothbrush.(cetkica za zube )
...tampons.. (tamponi )
...soap.(sapun )
...shampoo.(sampon )
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)(protiv bolova )
...cold medicine.(za prehladu )
...stomach medicine.... (za stomak )
...a razor.( )
...an umbrella.(kisobran )
...sunblock lotion.(zastita od sunca )
...a postcard.(razglednica )
...postage stamps.(markice )
...batteries.(baterije )
...writing paper.(papir za pisanje )
...a pen.(olovka)
...English-language books.(knjige )
...English-language magazines.(casopisi )
...an English-language newspaper.(novine )
...an English-English dictionary.(rjecnik )

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to see a number of helpful Montenegrin holiday phrases that are organized by category. For every travel phrase in Montenegrin, you will notice the English translation.

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