How do we say the Days of the week in Polish language
If you are on a journey in Poland and someone questions you in Polish “what day is it today?” you’ll want to know how to advise the days of the 7 days in Polish easily and quickly. What the person asks “when am I going to meet you next?” You’ll want to write the time in Polish perhaps. Use our day terms in Polish under to find out the week days in Polish. Learn More
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Telling the Days of The Week in Polish
today | dziś/dzisiaj (jeesh) |
yesterday | wczoraj (f-chore-eye) |
tomorrow | jutro (yoo-troh) |
this week | w tym tygodniu (f tyhm tyghodnioo) |
last week | w poprzednim/zeszłym tygodniu (f pohp-shed-neem tyghodnioo) |
next week | w następnym/przyszłym tygodniu (v nastenpnym tyghodnioo) |
Monday | poniedziałek (poniedziawehck) |
Tuesday | wtorek (vtorehck) |
Wednesday | środa (shrodah) |
Thursday | czwartek (chvartehck) |
Friday | piątek (piontehck) |
Saturday | sobota (sobota) |
Sunday | niedziela (nyehjehla) |
Months in Polish Language
January | styczeń (stitshen) |
February | luty (loot-ay) |
March | marzec (mazhehtz) |
April | kwiecień (kviehtziehn) |
May | maj (mai) |
June | czerwiec (chehrviehts) |
July | lipiec (lipiehts) |
August | sierpień (siehrpiehn) |
September | wrzesień (vjehciehn) |
October | październik (pazchiehrnick) |
November | listopad (listohpaht) |
December | grudzień (grootziehn) |
Click on the hyperlinks below to view a list of helpful Polish holiday words and phrases which you’ll find organized by category. For every travel word or phrase in Polish, you will notice the English translation.
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