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Shopping in Polish Language Phrases

Each time purchasing for clothing or mementos in any Polish speaking nation, you will need to know a few Polish terms to utilize while gift buying. Learn More

Key Polish Phrases to Know When Shopping

Polish Language Words

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Discover the Polish words that are below and could be put to use in speaking while shopping in Polish language.
Do you have this in my size?Czy jest w moim rozmiarze? (...)
How much is this?Ile to kosztuje? (...)
That's too expensive.Za drogo. (...)
Would you take _____?Czy weźmiesz _____? (...)
expensivedrogo (...)
cheaptanio (...)
I can't afford it.Nie stać mnie. (...)
I don't want it.Nie chcę tego. (...)
I'm not interested.Nie jestem zainteresowany. (..)
OK, I'll take it.W porządku, biorę. (...)
Can I have a bag?Czy mogę dostać siatkę? (...)
I need...Potrzebuję... (...)
...toothpaste....pastę do zębów. (...)
...a toothbrush....szczoteczkę do zębów. (...)
...soap....mydło. (...)
...shampoo....szampon. (...)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)...środek przeciwbólowy (na przykład aspirynę lub ibuprofen). (...)
...cold medicine....lekarstwo na przeziębienie. (...)
...stomach medicine....lekarstwo na żołądek. (...)
...a razor....maszynkę do golenia. (...)
...an umbrella....parasol. (...)
...sunblock lotion....krem przeciwsłoneczny. (...)
...a postcard....pocztówkę. (...)
...postage stamps....znaczki pocztowe. (...)
...batteries....baterie. (...)
...writing paper....papier listowy. (...)
...a pen....długopis. (...)

Click on the links directly below to check out a list of beneficial Polish holiday keyword phrases that are structured by category. For each holiday word or phrase in Polish, you will see the English translation.

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