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Dealing With Authorities in Romanian Language

When you find yourself going in Romania or any nation where they communicate in Romanian and you’re in an emergency situation, experiencing authorities for instance the police in Romanian could be daunting. You need to learn no less than the basic Romanian terminology for urgent matters that will help you get hold of your country’s consulate. Learn More

List of Romanian Phrases For Emergencies

Romanian Language Words

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I haven't done anything wrong.N-am facut nimic rău/greşit. (NAHM fah-COOT nee-MEEC RUH-oh/GREH-sheet)
It was a misunderstanding.A fost o neînţelegere. (AH fohst oh neh-uhn-tzeh-leh-geh-reh)
Where are you taking me?Unde mă duceţi? (OON-deh muh DOOH-chets)
Am I under arrest?Sunt arestat? (SOONT ah-rest-AHT ?)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.Sunt cetăţean american/canadian/australian/britanic. (SOONT cheh-tuh-tseh-AHN ah-meh-ree-KAHN/kah-nah-dee-AHN/ah-oo-strah-lee-AHN/bree-TAH-nik)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian consulate.Vreau să vorbesc cu consulatul american/canadian/australian/britanic. (VROW suh vohr-BESK/vor-BEE koo COHN-soo-LAH-tool ah-meh-ree-KAHN/kah-nah-dee-AHN/ah-oo-strah-lee-AHN/bree-TAH-nik)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy.Vreau să vorbesc cu ambasada americană/canadiană/australiană/britanică. (VROW suh vohr-BESK/vor-BEE koo AHM-bah-SAH-dah ah-meh-ree-KAHN-uh/kah-nah-dee-AHN-uh/ah-oo-strah-lee-AHN-uh/bree-TAH-nik-uh)
I want to talk to a lawyer.Vreau să vorbesc cu un avocat. (VROW suh vohr-BESK/vor-BEE koo oohn ah-voh-CAHT)
Can I just pay a fine now?Aş putea să plătesc/plati doar o amendă acum ? (AH-sh poo-TEAH sah plah-TEH-sk/pla-TEE DOO-arr oh ah-MEN-duh ah-COOM ?)

Click on the hyperlinks directly below to see a number of useful Romanian travel phrases that are sorted by category. For every travel phrase in Romanian, you will see the English interpretation.

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