About Romanian Consonants Chart
Would like to know do you know the consonants when it comes to Romanian language? In articulatory phonetics, a Romanian consonant is really a speech sound that is articulated using full or perhaps partial closure within the vocal tract. The word consonant is usually used to refer to a letter of a Romanian alphabet that signifies a consonant sound. Learn More
Romanian Consonants Chart
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Romanian Consonants in Alphabet
b | like 'b' in "bed" |
c | like 'ch' in "cheese" (like Italian 'c') when followed by 'e' or 'i', otherwise like 'k' |
d | like 'd' in "dog" |
f | like 'f' in "federation" |
g | like 'g' in "gym" when followed by 'e' or 'i', otherwise like 'g' in "gear" |
h | like 'h' in "help" (never silent in Romanian) |
j | like the French 'j' in "Bonjour" - English equivalent is the "s" in "pleasure" |
| Hear the sound for j |
k | like 'c' in "scan" |
l | like 'l' in "love" |
m | like 'm' in "mother" |
n | like 'n' in "nice" |
p | like 'p' in "spit" |
q | like 'k' in "sketch" (this letter is rarely used in Romanian) |
r | not like the 'r' in "row"; more like 'r' of "pretty" in North American English (similar to the Italian r) |
| Hear the word 'Reşiţa' in Romanian, note the 'r' sound |
s | like 's' in "snake" |
ş | like 'sh' in "lush" |
ţ | similar to 'ts' in "thats" |
t | like 't' in "stand" |
v | like 'v' in "very" |
w | like 'v' in "very" or "w" in english loadwords |
x | like 'cks' in "picks", sometimes 'gs' in "pigs" |
y | like 'i' in "dip" |
z | like 'z' in "fizz" |
Romanian Diphthongs in Alphabet
oi | like 'oy' in "boy" |
ea | diphthong beginning with a short Romanian "e" sound and ending with the Romanian "a" sound. These two sounds are pronounced smoothly and quickly together as one syllable. However, this letter pair is not always a diphthong. |
oa | diphthong beginning with a short Romanian "o" sound and ending with the Romanian "a sound. These two sounds are pronounced smoothly and quickly together as one syllable. |
Click on the links below to find out a number of helpful Romanian travel words that are sorted by group. For every travel word or phrase in Romanian, you will see the English interpretation.
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